Jungkook is, in fact, in Italy, along with the rest of his buddies. It seems Namjoon had no idea of Yoongi's sudden outburst so he's on the lookout for him.

Luckily, Irene is left out in all this and I've left her a complicated message that I'll be a while before coming back. If she can figure it out-that is.

Currently, I was uncovering everything Yoongi has done up to this point. It was all his fault.

It's his doing that I'm here. He took a guess that I'm the boss of my group.

Because I took the bait, he basically has it all figured out.

My stomach grumbles and I punch it, hoping for it to stop. I continue typing but my stomach doesn't give up. I get annoyed with myself and stand up, telling my arm to stop being a pain and just cooperate.

My arm doesn't listen as I could barely lift it. I wear my jacket and mask. I probably can't order something to this place. There should be a convenience store here somewhere.

I found the sketchiest convenience store but it couldn't be helped since this was a sketchy neighbourhood.

I try not to attract attention as I scan the shelves for something easy to eat. I pay with the loose money in my pockets.

I exit the store and see a pair of guys approaching someone. I would've ignored the whole thing and just continue walking if the one guy didn't look so familiar.

Three of the guys spoke in Italian, trying to scam Hoseok of his money or steal from him or something.

I watch the scene unfold from afar.

Hoseok tries to figure out what they want but the one guy continues to talk in Italian while the other two nod.

(Italian in italics)

"Yeah yeah. Look like we are trying to tell him something important. Then you quickly grab his backpack and we make a run for it" the one guy explains the plan as he looks Hoseok in the eye as if he was trying to ask something.

"I'm sorry but I'm not from here" Hoseok tries to explain and tries to pass the three. What is Hoseok even doing in the neighbourhood in the first place?

"Now-now. It looks like he's trying to leave" the same guy says with more urgency.

One of them quickly grabs Hoseok's backpack and the three run away. Hoseok seems caught off guard as he yells for anyone and quickly runs after them.

I follow the group, seeing where this will lead. Hoseok is much faster than the three and quickly catches up with them.

"This guy is crazy fast" the one says to the other as they try to escape Hoseok.
"It's three of us against one of him" the one says as he stops in his tracks and lands a punch right to Hoseok's face.

Unfortunately, Hoseok full on gets hurt and falls to the floor. The three continue running.

Hoseok's point of view:

My face feels cold yet my body is warm. I struggle to open my eyes, especially the one on the right.

I manage to open my left eye, vision a little blurry.

I see I'm in an unfamiliar place. It looks run down but it looks like someone has been here. I slowly bring my hand to my right eye and I can definitely feel that it's already swollen.

I wonder where the others are? Wait-where am I?

I look down to see a blanket. I see that I'm laying on a couch. The last thing I remember is chasing those guys. Those guys stole my backpack!

"Ugh" I whine with a huge frown. My phone was in there! How am I going to contact the others now?! My ID too...

And my passport!

"You're finally awake?" I hear an all too familiar voice. A voice that made me think I was in a dream or hallucinating. I look around with my one good eye. My vision starts to steadily clear up.

"Aww-sweetie" she pouts as she dabs something on my right eye.

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move. I was too shocked. How long has it been since I've seen her?

"I should've helped you sooner. I'm sorry" she says, looking guilty. She continues to tend to my eye but I grab her hands with mine instead, leading them away from my face.

"Are you really (Y/N)?" I ask as I sit up to get a better look of her.
"I was hoping you wouldn't see me like this" she says, looking away. I give her a hug, feeling how real she is. I can smell the faint scent of her, her hair touching my face slightly.

I pull away to look her in her face again.

"I missed you" I say with a slight smile. She returns the same small smile.

"Haven't seen you in ages yet you get yourself hurt" she pity laughs and continues to tend to my eye.
"I didn't see it coming. I was hoping to jump them or something" I say as she gently sticks something over my eye. I run my hand to feel the cotton.

"I'm sure you could've taken them" she proudly says.
"Well yeah, it wouldn't make sense if a security guard couldn't handle a few hooligans" I smile but soon sigh.

"I had important stuff in my backpack" I sulk.
"Then it must be your birthday" she says as she hands me my backpack. I hug my backpack tightly.

"Oh my gosh. Thank you. I was seriously going to freak out for a second" I say as I feel a wave of relief crash over my body. I feel really tired now.

"So, back to you. Why did you leave us?" I whine as I lightly slap her arm.
"It's...complicated" she says, eyes wondering around the room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. Everything Jungkook told us came rushing back to me. I'm so curious about so many things.

"Also complicated. So Jungkook didn't tell you?" she asks.
"No, I meant here-here. Like in this place. We're looking for you in a completely different place" I say. I suppose it was the wrong thing to say since (Y/N)'s face falls.

Yeah-might have been the wrong thing to say...

(I do not own the video.)

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