Start from the beginning

"I was not supposed to tell anyone about this but uh... I'm sorry." He said, looking down.

Techno fell quiet, seemingly trying to take in all of these informations at once. You gulped, hoping he'd buy the lie. Their explanation sounds honest but you can't never be sure, you were still on guard but you chose to keep a calm face to avoid looking suspicious.

Out of your surprise, he suddenly unsheathed his sword that was strapped on his hips. He then pointed the sword at bad who widened his eyes and took a step backwards.

"Do you really think I would believe that?"

You can feel your heart skip a beat as you watch him shot a cold glare towards bad and skeppy. The gears on your head started moving as you try to think of a reason on why would he not buy the lie.

Then, realization hits you like a brick.

Now that you think about it, it's not that surprising for someone who was born with a divine power such as the kiss of pséma to not believe a pathetic lie.


"We need to get you new clothes."

Fundy stated as he fix the collar of his jacket staring at fiona who's sitting at the living room. She tilted her head in confusion then fundy pointed at her maid uniform.

"I mean, you always wear that uniform. Don't you have any clothes to wear?" He asked.

Now that Fiona think about it, fundy has a point. She had been wearing the maid uniform since she left the damon's castle to go reside for a while on quackity's manor. It was covered in dust and dirt, some part of it were even ripped. The only thing that's blocking anyone on seeing her uniform is the black cloak the princess had given her.

Upon realization, she laughed awkwardly and scratched her hair. "I do, but I left all of them in the castle. I'll have to go get it back once everything's alright again." She explained.

"And plus, I've gotten used to this uniform since I always wear it when I'm on duty on the castle." She added.

Fundy smiled, "Guess what missy, you're not getting those clothes any time soon. I bet it'll take over a year to get this drama over."

Fiona rolled her eyes, "I'll just buy some on the market, give me a break." She said jokingly, glaring playfully at fundy.

Fundy seems to lighten up at those words, his ears perked up and a large smile were displayed on his lips. With hurried footsteps he hurried to the upstairs part of the cabin and to his room, he went inside and opened a black box. Inside was different kind of gems, he got them from the adventurers that were lurking in his forest to find hidden treasures that hides in the depths of the woods.

He grabbed a bunch of gems and put then in a pouch and hurried downstairs. Fiona looked at him with a curious face on. "What's with the rush?" She asked.

He then opened the front door, with a wide grin he turned to fiona.

"Come on, we're going shopping."


Lani glanced at the empty seat that was on the classroom, it's been days since drista had stopped coming to school. A worried face was displayed on her face, with a sigh- she turn her attention to the teacher that's explaining some lessons infront of the class.

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