25. Love no! lustboy...

Start from the beginning

"Someone else...? I thought you were in a relationship with her."

"Ishika, it was an arranged match by our parents."

"Oh!" There was a moment of silence then another...I gave him a side glance he appeared like a Romeo whose Juliet has run off with one of his villagers. I cleared my throat... "What did the police say?" 

"Nothing...they hacked her mobile...all of her data got erased it seems, except a couple of pics."

"I guess, the person who kidnapped her is quite dangerous" He nodded, once again drove himself into silence. I kept my hand on his shoulder and patted it. "You miss her."

"Yeah! I feel regret. Actually, a day before her missing, we got in a serious fight_"

"Excuse me! Dr. Ishika, Can I have a word with you?" I rose my head and met those pair of cold, glaring eyes of my boyfriend. Intermittently glancing at the shocking face of Sahil and the angry face of Dr. Ishaan, I was about to object... "Its. Urgent." He cut off.  I nodded while he turned around directing his gait straight to the door. 

"Excuse me! Sahil. I will...catch... you later." I closed the jumbo book and followed that stiff minaret making its way to the parking lot. I feel sad for Sahil. Very very sad. I wanted to console him more than I wanted to pry about his fiance...Can't this jealousy moron, keep control over his jealousy nature. Dastard. I turned my head to the same spot where I left Sahil to find his gaze at me. I gave a sheepish, sympathetic smile and waved bye then ducked out. 

"Care to explain...What were you doing with him?" Dr. Ishaan asked when we reached the parking lot. He stood leaning against his black car. 

"Speaking!" I said, shrugging my shoulders. He suddenly jerked away and towered me, clutching my right arm he pulled me up.

And... old jerky Ishaan Sharma has come back.

"Ishika! I don't want that man to buzz around you. So, stop speaking or hanging out with him."

"Care to explain, why?" I requestioned, keeping myself calm and as cool as cucumber.

"Just obey my words?"

"I am not a five-year-old girl, Dr. Ishaan, to lower and raise my head for your every affirmation, just like that. Moreover, he is my friend. I can't avoid him, it sounds rude." 

He tightened his grip...he is born with bound to hurt me. "You have no idea about his past. He might be dangerous to you, Ishika."

"Who is dangerous to me and who is not! I knew that very well. I am twenty-three for God's sake! Forbye, Dr. Ishaan we were in public, so he has no heavy hand to kidnap or harm me among those cluster of the public." I squawked against his face, also stood on my toes to gaze into his eyes. "At present, your grip is hurting me." I acknowledged, shooting a glare at him before glancing at his hand, strapped around my arm.  

He left my arm, whirling I stepped away from his towering body and trod back to the library. More precisely to save my lips. "Ishika!" I was walking fast, as fast as I can...because the moment, he left me that ultimate romantic Ishaan took possession of him and all I was scared about that possession was his excruciating torture of biting my lip. 

Aggressive animal.

"Ishika!" He shouted I paced like a racing horse inside the library. I touched my lips which were still sore because of his early morning dispassionate, insensitive, and unsympathetic with a liter of blood loss kiss that went for I assume fifteen-twenty minutes...which sore my lips and turned them crimson. That was enlightened by Dr. Chaya while having lunch, which I reasoned as, an allergic reaction to mixed-used of three flavored lip balm, cherry, apple, and strawberry. Hearing, she giggled considering it as a jest. 

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