Tia Finds Her Man

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Anastasia Grey
Today was wonderful and we had a lot of guests join us for our wedding. I wanted casual attire except for the wedding attire. My dress was simple and edged with flowers at the hem, waist, neck and arms. Christian wore a nice suit and tie. My attendants wore a similar dress to mine, but different colors. Thea, Tia, Mia and Elizabeth were thrilled to be asked. Christian asked Ethan, Elliott, Roz his CEO and Barney his head of It. Tia started flirting with Barney at the rehearsal dinner and kept it up at our wedding. Of course he loved it all. Talk about love at first sight. According to her, she heard of him, but never saw him. Christian says he only lets him out on special occasions and our wedding was one.
I watch as Tia and Barney flutter their eyes at one another I could hardly keep a straight face during my wedding vows watching the flirting. We were pronounced man and wife and kissed and shoved Tia and Barney together and in each other's arms and went to dance our first dance. Everyone laughed as we danced away. I am glad to have Anastasia as my wife. We have a new home with a beautiful garden. Her sisters ashes are in a special above ground box in a lucite insert inside the pillar over looking the gardens and the sound. An Angel sits atop the pillars and there are six. We were married there. My wife wanted it that way.
I hug Mia and say let's elope. She kisses me and says no way. I am getting my dream wedding buster. Okay I had to try.
You have met me right? I am spoiled, well I might say ninety percent cent spoiled. We dance and think of our wedding next month, Elliott and Thea are getting married at his home in two weeks. He built a guest home on the area they found Thea that night. He had an Angel weather vane placed on it. He told Thea that is where he found his Angel on earth and has never regretted any part of it. He gave her three million dollars as an out of court settlement. She was awarded ten million from the Davis family. The Davis family had to liquidate to pay for all their son Tim Davis bad acts. He also had to pay child support on three different children as well from his trust fund.
Barney Miller
I had heard that mr Grey's sisters were very beautiful, but I never thought I would meet them in person and at his wedding. I had no idea when I agreed to be an attendant at mr Grey's wedding I would meet my soulmate Tia. There she was in stereo, but I knew the difference right a2ay between Tia and her sister Mia. We flirted throughout the rehearsal dinner and then at the altar. When Anastasia and mr Grey shoved us together after they kissed and were pronounced man and wife we saw it as a sign. Two more weddings and six months here we are getting married and all our families are together watching our vows being read.
I waddle to a seat with the family, Christian is best man and Mia is maid of honor. Thea is pregnant as well. We both are four months along, but I am carry twins. Dad is beside himself and Madeline and he are engaged thank to her four children insisting he marry their mother. They want to elope, the children's idea. The Grey's are potent. Madison and Theodore have names picked out already. Thea and I just nod and tell them we will think about it. Madison knows if we can we will be attempting to give her great grand babies very good names. Mia looks a bit uncomfortable standing at the altar. Ethan looks exasperated about something. Barney and Tia are unaware of it all as they are pronounced man and wife. At this stage I need a nap. We stay just long enough for the happy couple to take off to parts unknown.
I gather my little waddler and we drive home. We know that the babies are boys and nice size ones. She might have to have a Caesarean section. She is so tiny.
I didn't disturb my boss about the prison break at the women's prison, I doubled security when I heard the news. Carla was free for over two hours when she made the mistake of coming to this wedding. She was very close to gaining access to Anastasia. She had a loaded gun and got the drop on a civilian. My people tried hard to get her to give herself up, but she shot at them. She wasn't a good shot, I told them to do a kill shot if she had a gun. It was all handled as quietly as we could and they were able to get her body and clean up the evidence along with getting witness accounts of the events without disturbing our pregnant ladies. Including Gail my overdue wife. Our first baby. Carla is a known killer and we had to take extraordinary steps to stop her. We did just that. We heard that Stephen Morton was killed in an escape attempt and now this.

I planned and got into a position that could walk out with a loaded weapon and keys to a car. Money was no issue as I had a stash of cash no one knew about. I headed to the wedding and knew Anastasia will be there and I will end her finally. That child escaped me so often, I thought she would have realized I wanted her dead too. But she got free every time. I wander up to the drive and take the gun off the safety. I see someone headed towards the gate and I grab them and point the gun at them. I demand entry into the wedding and they are pointing guns at me. Six men all pointing guns at me. They divided up and positioned themselves so I be distracted. Suddenly I notice a red light position itself on my face. I shoot and then I hear it and feel the pain and everything turns black. Then I see it the fires of hell I am being dragged over burning coals but I can't scream in pain. I see nothing but burning screaming people the fires never stop. Hot chains nothing relieves my suffering. I hear welcome to hell and this is just a taste of what you are going to suffer through Carla.
The end
The beginning of a wonderful life for Anastasia without her mother being a threat.
Anastasia hold her new baby boys and sits looking out at the garden and introduces them to their aunt Aimee.
Hope you enjoyed the story

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