A Marriage

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I am sitting here looking at a wedding dress and thinking that Christian is getting married after a year of dating Anastasia. Elizabeth has taught Ma and I all she can and she can trust us to never throw a party at Elliotts again. I am helping out at the women's shelter and they hired me full time. After everything that happened I took self defense courses with Mia. Mia is working at the hospital and helping in the nursery.
Elizabeth is getting married to Sam Jones and will be adopting his daughter afterward. It will be a quiet wedding. Her mother refused to come to it. She has new family members all of us Greys and the Kavanaghs.. Kate got her interview finally with Christian, it was about his engagement. She wasn't happy. Ethan asked me to marry him, but I think he thought I was Tia. I asked and he said he knew exactly who I was. Elliott is giving her away and her fiancé is paying for the wedding. Christian is paying for their honeymoon.
Jeremy Rogers asked me out and I told him I don't play second fiddle to Mia lol. She told me he had asked her and she turned him down for Ethan. Ethan made his move as soon as he saw a chance. Mia and I know how to keep a house now. I am still not a great cook, but I try hard. Mia is a great cook and Elizabeth is a good teacher. Elliott has hired Elizabeth to do the training of staff for his new company. It is staff management for household needs. It us called Grey Household Staffing and Elizabeth runs it. I moved into an apartment near Christian, Anastasia is renting her apartment to me until she sells it to me. She lives with Christian in sin as she giggles as she whispers to this to me. We both laugh. She has really opened up and her and my grandma Madison really get along. I am a little jealous, but I recall everything that's happened to Anastasia and she needs this connection.
Madison or grandma T and I are choosing my wedding dress today. We became close at the dinner that included us, the Rogers, and the Kavanagh family. Elizabeth was there as a friend. She is responsible for Tia and Mias change and new outlook on life and their new jobs. Mia is dating Ethan, Jeremy tried to get a date, but he got shot down by all the young ladies. After he looked at the bodies first no one wanted anything to do with him. He finally found a girlfriend though according to Thea and Elliott it was one of Christians exes and she was a stalker. Leila Williams is now engaged to Jeremy Rogers. God help them both. My mother has tried to see me, but I refused. Just getting her letter was enough to cause me nightmares.
I was happy that Anastasia is marrying someone who will protect her from bad guys and gals. She is brilliant, but too trusting. And getting married to a billionaire will be something she will need body guards for. Madison has told her she needs them as tiny as she is. Carrick and Grace was glad to see Christian getting married. The gold diggers were very annoying. The only one they finally came to care about was Elizabeth and now she is like family. Madison introduced me to a nice widow with four children all under 18 years of age. Madeline Downs is very nice and has four very protective children. Drew is sixteen, Oscar is twelve, Julie is ten and Sarah is four Jack Downs died on the day Sarah was born. He was en route to the hospital when an ambulance hit his car and he died instantly. She was wealthy and he left her a nice sum and a settlement from the ambulance co. He owned his own company and she has been trying her best to manage it and raise her children. Christian has done Madison a favor and sent someone to help Mrs Downs out. Now she's running her home and her husbands company. She started a childcare in the building and have created an equal pay for equal job. If your job title is the same you hire at the same rate no matter your sex, age or race. We started dating six months ago and they finally allow me to date their mother. For now that is, they seem to like Anastasia and Elizabeth who went to battle for me so I could even take Madeline out.
Jeremy can't see the forest for the trees, but I hope he does soon. Elliott says Christian has someone watching her closely. If she is dangerous we will definitely make sure she is arrested, even though Jeremy can be a jerk, he doesn't deserve to be hurt physically or emotionally. I have to say Anastasia might seem quiet, but she is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to her father and her family and friends. I found out the she carries a loaded gun and has a carry and conceal license. She knows a lot of self defense. She came by the women's shelter to ask Tia and I to join her looking for her dresses. While we were at the front a man came in and asked for someone. We can't give out any information due to why they are here to begin with. I explained to him that very thing and he grabbed me by the throat and started choking me. The next thing I know Anastasia has taken him down and was pointing a gun right between his eyes on his forehead ready to shoot. Her security took over. She moved so fast we couldn't believe it. CCTV footage caught it all and is being used in his trial. Elliott wanted to kick his ass, but Anastasia left some major marks on him for me.

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