The Burns

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Alice Burns
We have been beside ourselves and have called the cops about Lisa being missing and Bobby is no help, he barely got home. Someone drove him home and we have no idea where the car is at now. Suddenly the phone rings and it's Mia Grey. Lisa is there at Elliotts house and they need to explain what happened and how she ended up there. She is okay, she hasn't drank or did anything else. Grace Grey has checked her over and she hid in a closet until early this morning and she came out about thirty minutes ago. Apparently they wanted to assure she was okay before calling us or an ambulance. Now we know where Bobby went to. We call the cops and explain that we are headed to pick up our daughter from where she snuck out to.
Albert Burns
I can't believe you Bobby setting such a bad example for your sister by going to a party and getting drunk so badly you had to get a ride home. Who drive you home anyway?
Elliott Grey drove mostly and his security helped get us all home safely.
As in Elliott Grey, brother to Christian, Mia and Tia Grey? Oh Lord. Get dressed young man and come with us. Do you know who the rest of the group that undoubtedly crashed and mad it a party instead of a get together. Do they know about your history with inviting the world? You have been told again and again that you can't invite the world to someone else house. We need to see the damage done. You better hope Lisa is safe, your friends aren't exactly safe for young ladies to be around after they have drank.
Mom told me to come home and handle something. She explains they found  Lisa Burns who is 12 years old. She had hidden in my bedroom closet. I have to head home, so I call my second and have him handle anything today and call if he needs to. I grab my truck keys and head home and hope the people have came and got their cars off my property. I finally get parked and I have to call the crew back out and do repairs on everything I am sure. I just hope the pool wasn't found. Mom is waiting for ma and says dad is on his way and the Burns are on the way. Elizabeth is making the twins clean everything. They are still in the kitchen and it still looks awful. My sister pretty much had a party that pretty much destroyed my home. A brand new home. I shake my head and ask mom to talk to me.
She seems scared and doesn't seem to have been drunk or hasn't done any illegal substances. Your dad is in his way. Elizabeth has been on them like white on rice. We will cover the costs to repair anything and they will make it right.
No mom you aren't making it right for them ever again. One I allowed them to move in and made the huge mistake that they would respect me enough not to take advantage of my generous nature. I have a plan in place and it includes Elizabeth. They have to do as she asks at all times as long as it is reasonable. She was gone getting some personal items from her mother when all this got started. Security brings the Burns inside and we go sit at the now clean dining table and chairs. I check and make sure the chair is clean and I recommended everyone else did as well.
I finally arrive and see everyone, but Elizabeth, Tia and  Mia sitting. They are cleaning up the disaster that is now Elliotts home. We get to the nitty gritty and it turns out that Bobby was the person who invited everyone and it's not the first time he has done Thai and someone home has been destroyed. But it will be the last time. Then we discuss Lisa and we find out that she just wanted to see what a party was like with the Grey's. I explain that this is not what a real party looks like. She explains where she hid, she said some of the guys tried to grope her so she hid in the master bedrooms closet. She showed us exactly where she had hidden. Not much was out of place there. Or the other master bedroom. We went through the whole house and we decided to get an estimate of the damage and what it will take to clean it all up. We checked the pool area and no one was able to get inside, but we opened it all up and checked everything out. We headed to the boathouse. Pictures of everything was taken. The boat house was locked as well, but again we open it up and check it out. We head back up and hear a moan and there lays a young lady. Grace runs over and checks her out.
Call 911 get a sheet now. Bobby who were the guest you invited and who would have done this to this young lady? Carrick get Tia and Mia down here now. We need to know who 5his girl is and now, so we can call her parents. They get me a sheet and I cover her up, she is beaten up and has been raped. Mia, Tia do you know who this is?
No mom I don't.
I don't either. Bobby you do know her I see it in your eyes.
You tell us what you know young man and now.
Her name is Thea Rogers, she was here with Tim Davis.
Do you know there numbers?
Tell them to stop cleaning now, we need to determine the crime scene. The police have to get involved now. Tia, Mia we will talk later, but right now we have to assure this girls safety and let her parents know where she is headed to.
That could have been Lisa, Bobby could Tim have done this to her?
He nods and hugs Lisa.

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