Ground Penetrating Radar

65 3 2

Raymond Steele
I found another way to search the grounds without digging up half of the property the Pennington's own. They agreed to allow us to check the gardens and we promised to make sure we attempt to save the plants there. Or replace them with the same size and type.
Three hours later we find the tiny body buried in a cedar chest under a huge rose bush. CSI had to come in and go through the areas. We have to replace the bench and the concrete below it as well as three massive rose bushes. But we have found a body.
Four days later we have evidence that prove Aimee was killed and by her own mother. Anastasia witnessed all of it and saw her mother and a man bury her sister alive. The autopsy proved it. Forensics proved it was Carla and Stephen. Now I have to tell Anastasia.
Dad has given me a horrible headache and news that I was an identical twin and that my own mother and Stephen Morton buried my poor sister alive in the garden of a place we lived at. They had hurt her and badly and they chose to bury her alive. My mom is truly a monster and so is Stephen Morton. I am now aware for the first time why I stare at gardens. I must have been there when it happened and it's why I am so frightened of my mom and petite brunettes. I need to see my therapist about this news. Dad hugs me and tells me Aimee will be buried as soon as they release the body.
I am shocked at the explanation of why Anastasia was so interested in gardens and amazed that she survived her mother's death grip. Somehow she did and survived on the streets. I wished I could get her to open up a bit. She is an excellent writer and she is a college graduate. Dad was right when he said not to add her my friends with benefits list, because she is so much more. Elliott has taken a real shine to Thea. He asked her parents if he could ask her out and they agreed to allow it. Thea said yes to him and he is nervous about the date. He wants to take her somewhere she will feel safe at and it can't be an expensive place. I tell him to ask her directly where she wants to go. Kate wasn't thrilled when I again refused to let her interview me. She is persistent I give her that. I am going to the funeral and hope to talk to Anastasia.
Three weeks later
I finally have a date with Anastasia, I am six years older than she is and her dad told me not to hurt her that she has been hurt so much already. I agreed with him. They are having more trials and charges to the Morton's. Both were found guilty of all charges. Those two are sick monsters. I am amazed yet again at how such a good person came from that evil. But then I look at Raymond Steele and know how.
I now have the reason for my fear of my own mother and petite brunettes. Plus why I am obsessed with gardens. My therapist finally has something to go over with me. My memories are still buried deep. Christian Grey asked me to dinner, dad said I should accept if he ever asks me out. I think I shall accept.
I finally got a date with Anastasia and we are going to my restaurant. She looks small and elegantly attired without being flashy. We are sat at my table with a great view. She is very shy but her food ordering she isn't shy about. I tried to order for us both and she politely asked that she do her own ordering since she knows her likes and dislikes and I don't. I apologize and allow her to order whatever she wishes. She has made s9me very nice choices I must say.
Christian definitely draws attention from male and female alike. He is definitely easy to look at, but I have heard he isn't looking for a long term anything. Well neither am I, so I believe we can enjoy this until it runs it's course. I smile as I think of finally knowing I will enjoy the pleasures that await me and he might enjoy teaching them to me.
I take Thea to a nice place, but we don't have to dress formally and we enjoy a fantastic meal and a quiet walk along the the pier where beautiful boats are coming and going and bobbing around. She seems to love boats. I ask to hold her hand as we head to a bench nearby. I ask if she would like to go out on Christians boat soon and she says she would love it. I ask to hold her hand as we sit and chat on the bench near the boats.
We had a very nice time and he is very nice and he treats me gently. We discuss a lot of different things and he might be eight or so years older than I am he treats me equally. He is fun to be around. We speak of my favorite things boats of all kinds he says we can go out on his brothers boat. I tell him I would love to and he leans in and asks for a kiss and he gives me a sweet kiss and we get up and head for his car. We head home and he asks me to go out again soon. He then asks me to join him for Sunday dinner at his parents. I liked his parents and I liked Elliott. I had hoped to see him the night Tim raped me. He knew I just wanted to meet Elliott and he brought me along. I was never his date. He tried to tell the court I was his date. Tia, Mia and Bobby backed me up about him just giving me a ride and I would stay the night with Mia and Tia. My parents also confirmed I had said this as well.

The Gardenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें