The Book That Changed Her World

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I am being questioned by a detective from the Seattle Police Department. My last book that came out three years ago and took me two years to write. I have proof of all this on my computer. Apparently my story fits a homicide that happened in the last six months. I need to prove where I was at the day they think it happened. I look at them like they are crazy. I call Carrick Grey and ask him to recommend a good defense attorney. I explain what is going on and he asks me to bring him everything I have.
Anastasia is being questioned about one of her books and how the murder scene is similar to the one in her books. She writes all kinds of books, she usually doesn't write about murder scenes, this one was such a great scene she had to put it in her book. I plan on being there for her. I think someone is setting her up and I have a few ideas who. I noticed something recently when I was at Anastasias place. She is at an angle where she can see into the Escala penthouse apartment and also see when the helicopter pad. I doubt she ever thought of that when she bought her apartment. But they can also see into hers. That I am sure of.
Carrick told me Anastasia and her father are coming over to talk about an urgent legal matter. Which means I can't know what it is.
Anastasia sits there telling me what she wrote and the book is becoming a best seller. But she hasn't realized the story is exactly like what happened with my wife. I am looking for any sign of recollection of this fact, but there isn't one. I think we need to find out why suddenly she has written this scene in a book and it happens again. I am not sure how to handle this, but I think we need to get her checked out. Physically and mentally. I schedule appointments with doctors I know that can get to the bottom of this. I ask to speak to Raymond alone. She leaves and I ask what he thinks is going on?
I bought your old home and she seems at peace when she's there and she sits on the bench a lot. I am sure she recalls everything, but it's like someone has hypnotized her. Can we get her medical and psychological records. The dr has been hypnotizing Anastasia, something is wrong. Plus that book was written three years ago. It's strange how all the sudden a detective found similarities in a recent murder to the one in her book. She's being set up.
Hire some people to follow her at all times. We are not allowing her to go back to the doctors she has now. She should remember that event when she was three and other events. I will look into what they are talking about and get back to you. Don't let her out of your site. We go out and start looking for Anastasia and we find her in the garden talking to Allison. If it weren't for feeling like I being hugged I would think she was crazy. But I saw her glowing as she waved at us and disappeared. She smiles and tells me the murderer is out and mom is with him again. Anastasia
The child is still alive, but she needs saving. You have to find out where they are and get the girl. The cops were tipped off about that scene and my connection to it.
When did you last get hypnotized Anastasia?
I don't know, why?
Is it the same dr that you had all along?
No my doctor finally retired and someone bought his practice.
When exactly? Could it be just before you started writing the murder scene in that book?
My medical records can show that, if not the checks to pay the new and the old will be obvious.
We will need all that information before we do anything at all. We don't want to alert whoever it is. I need you to sign for release of all your medical records and get all your receipts for medical bills and copies of the checks you used to pay for them with. If you insurance we need those receipts of payment and who to. Something tells me that she is a victim of an unscrupulous doctor. So we get her to another doctor who can find out why she doesn't recall my wife being killed in front of her. Then she suddenly writes it into a book and no longer recalls it. She doesn't recall scrounging for food behind a dumpster. I ask if she recalls the attack when she was 14?
I don't remember any of it.
I get the copies of the files and the photos of Anastasia for Carrick and Raymond. They were very upsetting to look at. We show Anastasia and it trigger something and she blacked out. She came to after a nap. I asked if she remembered something and she remembered the garden. We decide to take her to where Allison was killed. She finally burst in to a full blown panic attack. I had to sedate her and Raymond carried her to her room. I told him, she needs to be watched carefully. Raymond had hired security after hearing about the murder and kidnapping of a girl Anastasias age when she witnessed Allison's death.
I got a call about a few vehicles casing my place and Anastasias place. My guys seem to think one is a cop, but the others not a cop. I hired more security and have a security system and gate put in with a code entry pad. Something is very off here, Anastasia finally wakes up and is starving. She is so tiny and frail, I need to protect her.

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