A Beautiful View

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Current Time
I wake up and see the sun shining and it is going to be a good day. Dad is arriving today and with good news. He got a new job in the area and is looking for a home to buy. It turns out the Grey home with the beautiful garden has came on the market and he wants to go see it. He wants to know how I would feel about going to see it with him. He reminds me of what happened there. I think it might be cathartic to see it again. So we head out there in the morning.
I have already bought this place and have had the garden put back to its original state. It is nice home and now we know why Anastasia was found staring at the garden. She hardly saw anything growing, unless you count the weed plants her mom and her various male friends grew.
The next morning
I pick Anastasia up and we head to the house and we finally arrive and she realizes that I have already bought it. She heads straight to the garden and just looks at it.
Da her spirit is still here you know. She tried to stop them from taking me and that's how she got killed. I need to visit her sometimes is that okay with you. I touch the yellow rose and then smell it. Is this new dad?
No that was here back then as well. See how far it goes up the arch and then down and around. See there it intertwines with the other rose bushes like they are protecting the garden. She looks and is amazed and touches each rose bush tenderly and says thank you for protecting it and me Mrs Grey. I tell her that the ladies first name was Allison, she was Allison Grey.
Allison thanks you so much for what you did for me. I know you are still watching over us all. A breeze blows my hair back away from my face. Dad I think she likes that you bought this house. I look down and the stone where I saw her killed that was red turns a snow shit in color dad gasps behind me. She is definitely here. We head into the house and its gorgeous inside and dad said he had it all redecorated and hands me keys and says I can come over any time I wish to. He shows me the house and her library and I sit by the window and see her garden. It is a beautiful view. I pick the guest room next to the library as where I want stay in when I come visit. Dad thought it would be too much for me, but all I can recall is that Allison made me feel safe and she tried to stop them from taking me and by doing so she lost her life. I cook us breakfast and we feel her around us. I feel very safe here. Ray says the dr that took care of me after they found me again wants to see me if I feel like I can.
Anastasia agreed to see dr Trevelyan Grey. She married Carrick Grey within a year of meeting him. At first I think she wasn't very impressed with either of us. But apparently he first husband really hurt her and it was a horrible marriage. I call and set up a time for lunch.
Dr Grey
Ray Steele called to set up lunch for Anastasia and me and he will be there as well. Wow it's been a very long time.
Lunch two days later.
We are sitting in the mile high club that dr Grey's son owns and lunch is free. I watch as Ray stands up and greets a lady and introduces her and I and she is the person who gave me my gardening books. I hug her hard and thank her for the gardening books.
Dr Grey
I was taken aback when Anastasia suddenly hugged me and thanked me for the gardening books I gave her before she left the hospital I couldn't see her at the trial, she was too fragile. Ray had to get her calmed down and she wouldn't leave his arms. She kept her head towards him and wouldn't look at anyone at all. So it took me by surprise to get a hug. Ray says he bought the house it all happened at and she told him that Allison's spirit is there and she felt her presence around her at all times. I ask her to call me Grace and for Ray to as well. I talk about the kids and what they have done Anastasia is a writer and goes under the pen name Ari Ana Rose. She has been writing for a while. I think I saw her books, but it is not something that stood out. But apparently she has made a nice income from her books on line and off line.
I give her my web site address and tell her she can find me at it. I also give her my email and cell number. Dad and I have to leave because he has to make sure we get a restraining order against mom this time I have to get it.
We found out that the guy who attacked Anastasia in the hallway was sent by her mother. That happened when she was 14 and he got away. It just recently came up when the guy was caught trying to grab someone who looked like her. He told the cops that her mother had sent him out to grab Anastasia and she thought the girl was Anastasia. They have him in custody, but Carla has hidden yet again. I tried to keep track of her when she got out of jail, but I lost track of her. Until the hallway event and I knew it was her yet again. Now it's happening yet again. That was 4 years ago and Anastasia is more equipped to defend herself. But a legal document preventing her mother and this guy coming within a thousand feet of her is needed permanently.

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