RBMS - 17

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Chapter 17

I stared at the door in shock, and cuddled myself to my mother who just sat down beside me.

"It's okay sweetheart. Austin and the rest of the pack will come back home safely." she assured me, pulling me closer to her.

"I hope so," I mumbled as I hugged her legs. Suddenly the doorbell rang indicating there was a visitor.

"I'll get it," I whispered, pushing myself up to the door.

"Hey, I'm Jezebel, but call me Jez, I'm currently the Luna of the moonstone pack. I was told by my husband we were to stay here. Is that correct?" a girl my age asked, standing in front of me, holding her hand out.

I stared at her shocked. There on her hand, on her ring finger was a beautiful shining ring. She was married? And wait, is that a huge baby bump? Whoa. "Yeah, come in. I'm so sorry we had to bother your pack."

"All's fine. We like to help others," she spoke as she entered the house, with a few others trailing behind her.

---A Few Hours Later---

"I hate waiting for them. I mean what if they're hurt? What if..." I shrieked, worried.

"I'm sure they're fine," Jez said, joining me in the kitchen.

"But just what if-"

"Beverly! Always think positive!" she scolded, while looking through the fridge for something to prepare for dinner.

"If only I could help them..." I sighed, looking out the window.

From what I know of, the guards aren't completely near the house. If I block them out, I bet they won't even notice I escaped since I'm sneakier than them...

"Beverly...what are you thinking off?" she asked, taking out a cutting board.

"N-nothing," I lied, busying myself with a carrot in my hand.

"I may barely know you...but I can see right through you."

"I swear I wasn't thinking of anything but what to make for dinner."

"Right..." she said, unconvinced.

"Less talking, more food making. I'm guessing everyone's hungry even though they're worried sick."

She did not reply and just started to cut up the tomatoes on the board. As soon as I finish eating, I will sneak out geared. There's no way they could leave me out of something this big.


I looked around cautiously. Where the heck are those stupid guards? It makes me more nervous when I can't see them. What if they out of nowhere pop out and catch me? They'll report to Austin immediately and he'd rage out on me later. Oh shit. What kind of stupid plan was I thinking! Now I'm too far from the house, to make it back unnoticed... but if I go further, someone would catch me like 'wahla.' Hesitating, I took a few steps forward.

"Where do you think you're going?" a voice growled behind me.

I turned around to face a guy not much older than me... yet he seemed to be a heckful stronger than me, especially since now that I'm pregnant, but along with that, he looked like enemy. Which means I'm in deep shit right now.

"N-nowhere," I stuttered.

The guy grinned at me, eyes burning a hole through me. He had heard the sign of weakness in my voice.

Taking a few steps back slowly I was ready to run. I just may have a chance if I run...I mean what was I thinking! I'm risking the baby's life and mine right now! Dammit! Possibly Austin's too! Ready to turn and run I smacked right into someone else. Biting my lips I looked up in horror. There stood Adrian glaring down at me. I flinched. He used to be my friend, but then he is the one who has been helping us/warning us...yet right now he has no choice but to do as his alpha says, which in this case is to kill me, or kidnap me. Behind those muddy brown eyes, I could tell he was sorry. We grew up together; me, Erik, Lara, Austin and him...that was until his world came crashing down on him when his mother passed away. To add along with that, his dad was druggie and also passed away. Most of us suspect that maybe it's due to the inhalation of all the products he used that may have taken the life of Mrs. Dawson. No one in our town understood the reason of why Mr. Dawson would've started the process of taking drugs, but we weren't to question. Then due to all the burned history in this town, Adrian decided to leave, and perhaps find a better life, where his past wasn't. When he finally found land on another's property, the others gladly accepted him, and well that was that.

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