RBMS - 6

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Chapter 6 

5 months later 

I can't even believe it's already been five months since I left home. I pretty much kept in touch with no one but my own brother and Brian. 

"Who do you thin-" a phrase of a one direction song began. It was coming from my phone. 

Sighing, I fetched it out of my back pocket of my jeans, and clicked the accept call button without even bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello." I chirped, as I got ready to leave the house. 

"Beverly! Oh god. For once you decide to pick up your phone!" my mom yelled on the other end, clearly pissed off. 

"Mom, chillax. You call during class half of the time, so there was no way I could've answered the phone." I replied as I heaved my bag over my back. 

"Then what happened to the other half of the times?" she questioned. 

Aw shoot. I can't tell her it was just because I wanted to avoid most contact from home... 

"Mom, don't tell me you called to just lecture me about how I don't pick up my phone." 


"Anyways mom, any particular reason you out of nowhere called?" I asked pacing myself as I jogged to my car. 

"Does a mother simply need a reason to talk to her child?!" 

"Uhh... I suppose not?" I replied. 

"Why do I hear a questioning tone in there?" 

"Cause there was?" 

I heard her huff over the phone, and gave in. 

"Okay, fine. Anyways Beverly, guess what?!" she shrieked. 

I opened my mouth to reply, "U-" coming out of my mouth before she interrupted. 

"No, don't guess. I'll tell you! Your brother is getting married!" She screamed out giggling. 

Married? And he didn't tell me? Some brother he is, and I thought he was catching me up when I called. 

"To who?" 

"His mate. Duh." she said in a tone that went "are you freaking serious?" 

"Gee thanks for the tone, mom." 


I swear my mom talks like me sometimes. No wonder we can't deny that we are mother-daughter. 

"Anyways mom, when'd he propose?" I asked, curious. "Wait no. I'll ask them for myself. Anyways I should go, it's getting late and Clarisse and Ashton expects me back." 

"Okay, take care sweetie, bye" 

"Bye mom." 

I was about to click the end button, when my mom suddenly screamed out "Wait!" 

I stared at the phone, damn this lady can yell. 

"Yes mother?" 

"I've already contacted Clarisse and Ashton and told them you would be driving back here tomorrow." 

"What?! I'm not driving back home! Or well yet... wait why?" I asked not sure which answer I wanted first. 

"Beverly." she said in a stern voice. 

Yes mom, saying my name totally answers the question. 

"Yes mommy?" 

"You see, Erik really hoped you would be here for his graduation and his wedding, so I kind of just arranged it for you to come back home..." 

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