RBMS - 7

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Chapter 7 

"Dresses, dresses, dresses, dresses for graduation...dresses, dresses, dresses, dresses for graduation..." Lara sang out, going through every rack in the store and throwing them into a pile on my arms. 

"Lara! Would you quit singing that! Do I have to stuff this dress is your mouth for you to stop?" I asked holding up one of the dresses she had selected, in a threatening gesture. 

"You wouldn't," she scowled glaring at me. 

"Oh, but I would," I replied nodding. 

"Sometimes I don't understand why I'm even friends with you," she muttered under her breath as she started checking out dresses again. 

"Even if we weren't friends we'd end up being sisters anyways." 

"True...true. Anyways I'm so excited for graduation, then especially what's happening after that!" she squealed, clapping her hands together with dreamy eyes. 

I face-palmed myself, "God save me, tell me wedding dress shopping wouldn't be worse than this." 

"Hey! I heard that!" she chirped when she was at the far end of the store. 

Damned wolf hearing. 

I heard that too! she thought to me, through the pack mind link we had. 

I give up! 

Good! Now help me decide which one's a better dress. She sent to me as she raised 2 dresses in her hands. 

I made sure to block her from hearing my thoughts and glanced at the two dresses. 

One was white, the layers of fabric flowing around, with a silver strap to wrap around her neck whereas the other one was white also, but the silver strap of fabric was wrapped right under the chest area; both of them would look stunning on her...but the fact I know Erik so well...I think he might like the second one more. 

"I'm just going to assume you're finding a pretty dress just for my brother to see, so you might want to go with that one," I said pointing to the dress she held in her left hand. 

Next she pulled out another white dress, but this time it was strapless and had a long black ribbon wrapping around under the chest area along with she held another white dress similar to the first 2 dresses that was showed, but this time the dress was long. I pointed at the shorter dress. Long dresses and high school graduation just doesn't seem to fit right for Lara's personality. Lastly she showed me 2 cocktail dresses. One was dark blue with beads along the top and under the chest area. The other one was around same design but different colour. Half white, half black. I motioned to the blue one, for the fact all the other ones were white. She finally nodded and 'click clacked' over to the fitting rooms in her 3 inch heels. People these days, doesn't those heels hurt? They look painful. My tummy grumbled as I sat on a stool near a rack of long dresses. One dress in particular caught my attention. I stood up and ran my hands over the smooth texture. The dress was a short and pale pink with a flower on the left side. I unhooked the dress off the rack, and stood in front of the mirrors of the dressing room doors. 

I admired myself in the mirror, zoning out, imagining how I would look in this beautiful simply designed dress. 


"Akhem." Someone coughed. 

I snapped out of my daydreaming. There stood Lara in the dark blue dress, right in front of my eyes. 

"Does this look fat on me?" she asked, as she twirled around inspecting every bit of herself in the mirror. 

"Uh, should it?" I asked still feeling a little clueless after zoning out. 

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