George was the first to start his guitar with the melody he invented, followed by John and I with our respective string instruments and Ringo on the bongos.

"I give her all my love,

That's all I do,

And if you saw my love,

You'd love her too,

I love her."

Jude seems to be squealing at the corner which made John and George laugh as they saw her. Everyone in the club can't help but stop whatever they were doing and avert their complete attention towards us while we perform.

"She gives me everything,

And tenderly,

The kiss my lover brings,

She brings to me,

And I love her."

But despite the large crowd, my eyes were focused on the old lady sitting a few feet from the stage. She looks at me with wonder in her eyes unlike the amazed and appreciative looks that everyone in the club has while watching us.

"A love like ours,

Could never die,

As long as I have you near me.

Bright are the stars that shine,

Dark is the sky,

I know this love of mine,

Will never die,

And I love her."

George proceeded on to his guitar solo and as my eyes lingered back to Jude, she follows my line of sight until she realized who was the center of my attention throughout the whole song.

This time, it was her turn to wink at my direction.

Because she knew.

The soul and the real owner of the song is right here before our very eyes, y'know.

"Bright are the stars that shine,

Dark is the sky,

I know this love of mine,

Will never die,

And I love her."

Everyone applauded when the song ended, including Madame Jane herself.

Satisfied, we continued the show with my other self compositions that are inspired of well...

"Newsflash! Paulie McCharmly is in love!" John teases in a sing-song voice while tickling my left ear like he always does. "Stop that!"

George takes off the guitar strap from his body and sided with John, "It's that red headed lady, isn't it?"

I feel my face heating up, "Wait, it's not what you think, y'know. She's just a lady friend, not planning to pursue her or anything."

They all snickered at my statement. Okay, I feel so betrayed. "You don't have to defend yourself, mate. Any girl would willing to be with the Paul McCartney. Whoever they are, whether they're black or white, religious or not, young or old—"

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