"I don't want to go that day. I refuse to leave because I know I'm going to leave you guys." Chaeng started and put down her utensils.

"I'm super sure that I'm not going to Australia but because of her, I'm forced to leave."

"That "her", is that Jisoo?" Jennie asked then Chaeyoung nod her head slowly. The day when Chaeyoung left, Jennie witnessed how it affects Jisoo so much.

She doesn't have any idea of what relationship that Jisoo and Chaeyoung had but when Chaeyoung left, she saw how Jisoo became so weak and become more cold, she thought that maybe they had relationship.

Her intuition confirmed when one time she saw Jisoo two days after their graduation day standing under the heavy rain.


Jennie is riding at the back of her family's car. This day is raining so hard that you can't see the road clearly.

They pass the central Park but Jennie command her driver to stop because there's a certain brunette that caught her attention.

The driver stop and Jennie asked for an umbrella. Her driver didn't asked much and just give her an umbrella.

She went out and walk closer but not too close to the girl standing under the rain. She stop on her track and just stare at the girl whose apparently Jisoo.

Jisoo fell on her knees while clenching her chest. She can hear the loud sob coming from Jisoo and Jennie don't understand herself why she's standing like a statue and not approaching her friend.

She saw Lisa rushing towards Jisoo with umbrella. Lisa approach Jisoo and help her to get up but the thing that caught Jennie's attention when Jisoo yelled,

"How can she do this to me Lisa?! I want her to come back! I want her back here with me! I miss her so damn much and it's killing me! Tell me Lisa, where do you think Chaeyoung go? Why did she have to leave me?!"

Jennie look dumbfounded with this information that she just heard. She's was brought back from her trance when she heard her driver called her out because her parents asking for her.

Jennie went back to the car full of thoughts and questions in her mind. She just closed her eyes and waited for them to arrive at her house.

End of flashback

"The day I left, her father asked for me. We met and asked me to leave Jisoo." Jennie raised a brow upon hearing what Chaeyoung said.

"Why? Did he not approved your relationship with her?"

"He knows my relationship with her daughter, he's not against it but he wanted me to leave Jisoo because her life is in danger."

"In danger?" Jennie curiously asked.

"According to her Dad, since the day she was born her life is being threaten because she's his daughter. He also told me that he's the reason why Jisoo and Lisa had a feud. He made Lisa hate Jisoo so he can protect Lisa and Jisoo at the same time."

"What? I don't understand it. He made you left to protect Jisoo?"

"I don't understand much of it either. All I know is, he did it to protect Jisoo and to keep my family from potential danger."

They envelop by the long silence. They haven't touched the food that they ordered both of them are thinking.

"Did Jisoo knows about it?" Jennie asked to break the long silence.

"Nope. I don't think telling her this will change anything. Before I left, I called her to asked a favor to wait for me. But seeing her with someone, she probably moved on from me. I understand her, who's person in the right mind waiting for someone that you have no guarantee of coming back. She probably get tired of waiting." Jennie didn't reply, she just stare at her friend who shown nothing but regret in her expression and voice.

"If she's happy with Soojoo, who am I to break it? Who am I to stop it?"

"Do you still have feelings for her?" Jennie asked. Chaeng didn't reply for a moment not until she released a bitter yet sad laugh.

"I never stop. Everyday of my life in Australia, I think nothing but her. How I'm excited to see her again, how much I miss her, how much I wanted to get us back together. I stop myself from loving someone because I'm still hoping that we can be together again."


My mind is clear now. Here's a chapter for you guys.

Should I give guys the Chaesoo content that we all wanted?

Let's be honest, Chaesoo's hide and seek feeling is so damn exhausted so if you guys agree, I'll try my best to start the content that we all need.

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