Hence, when the time for his graduation came, Severus was worried. Truthfully, he did not know if he could live without seeing you every day but he knew he had to. It was the day when he finally had to leave Hogwarts, and it meant he was leaving you too.

When Severus saw you running towards him, he opened his arms for you, chuckling heartily as you buried your face into his chest. It was not something unusual for him to hug you that way, but it never stopped his heart from skipping a beat, every time you looked up at him with those eyes. Those eyes that enchanted him, pulling him closer and closer, and leaving his soul hollow to think that he would never get to look into those eyes again.

"You're finally free, Severus! You can live up to your dreams now."

You said, noticing the frown that was growing on his face. He forced a smile upon his face, but you knew it was not genuine. It was easy to tell that he was upset to leave you, his best friend for years, behind.

"You can always write to me, Sevy. And we can also meet at Hogsmeade. Our friendship will not end here."

You convinced him, earning a grin from him. He nodded weakly, knowing that your words were true. He would not forget to write to you, wanting to know about your life and telling you about his.

"But if you want to get rid of me, this is your only chance, Snape."

You joked, and he rolled his eyes at you. You let out a sigh, as you realised it would be different now that Severus was leaving. Surely you had many other friends, but it would not be the same anymore.

"I'm going to miss you a lot."

"I'm going to miss you too."

And so Severus was true to his words. He never stopped sending you letters, and you were ecstatic every time his owl dropped a letter for you. You understood if he was busy and forgot about you, considering how much changes he was facing now since he had left school, but he never once did he forget about you.

Unknowingly to you, you were on his mind all the time.

Severus loved reading your letters, feeling as if you were talking to him even if he was far from you now. You were always being supportive of him, encouraging him when he told you he was going to study about potions even further. To have someone he cared about supporting him was such a blessing for Severus.

When he received a letter from you, saying that you wanted to see him at Hogsmeade to tell him about something, his heart was troubled. It pained him to think that perhaps you were upset over something in school and he could not be there to help you. He could only hope that you were fine while counting the days to the weekend.

Severus felt as if air was forced out of his lungs when he finally saw you again at the Three Broomsticks, and you greeted him with a smile, putting his heart at ease to know that you were not devastated about anything.

"You're looking good, Snape."

"You're not so bad yourself, L/N."

Both of you burst into laughter before he gave you a warm hug, and you sighed in content. It felt so good to see your friend again after he graduated from Hogwarts. You knew he was going to achieve so many things in life, and you were delighted to know that you were going to be the one by his side.

Severus was over the moon to talk to you about everything, exchanging stories with you without realising the time passing by. Suddenly, you were reminded of something and it made him feel sick to the stomach, thinking if you wanted to end your friendship with him.

"I actually have a news to tell to you."

You sucked in a deep breath, as you were still unsure if the news was good or bad. You were flabbergasted with it and you did not know how would Severus take it.

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