58. Dreams with Sweetie Belle

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Cheerilee: Places!

The curtin is raised and i see Y/n recording in audience.

Sweetie Belle: Forsooth and anon, I cometh forthwith and posthaste with glad tidings, miladies.

Time past and the play ended and right now we are standing just outside the lobby.

Apple Bloom: Wow! A standin' ovation!

Scootaloo: I still have goosebumps!

Apple Bloom: This must be like a dream come true for you, huh, Sweetie Belle?

Scootaloo: Ooh, can you imagine if this show was how you got your cutie mark?

Apple Bloom: Which do you think you'd get it for? Writing, directing, or acting?

Sweetie Belle: Let's not get carried away. We've got a whole lobby full of friends waiting to shower us with adoration and praise. Try to be gracious.

Scootaloo: Modest.

Apple Bloom: Classy.

Sweetie Belle: Here we are, the stars of the show!

Apple Bloom: You may tell us how much you loved it now.

Scootaloo: Line forms here!

Spike: Wow, you guys! I think your sisters would have loved it!

Y/n: Yeah definitely.

Apple Bloom: Would have?

Spike: They're sorry, but they had to go help Rarity get Sapphire Shores' wardrobe ready to take to Canterlot in the morning.

Scootaloo: Even Rainbow Dash?

Y/n: Ofcourse. Rarity fell way behind.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo: Aww.

Spike: Aw, cheer up, the show was great! I'll get you some punch.

Sweetie Belle: At least everybody else who was able to attend loved it.

I walked up to Lemon Hearts.

Sweetie Belle: What did you all like best? The writing, the directing, or the acting?

Lemon Hearts: Oh my, I- I loved the dresses.

Noteworthy: I liked some of those lines you said.

Sweetie Belle: Oh, really? Which ones?

Noteworthy: Uh, I don't really remember, but you were wearing a pink taffeta dress with lots of chiffon when you said them! Whoo-ee, that outfit was a dazzler!

Lemon Hearts: I liked that one almost as much as the one with the lacy trim and all the embroidered cuffs!

Noteworthy: That was a nice one too!

Sweetie Belle:*growl*Isn't there anypony here who remembers anything about the play besides the dresses?! I'm going home.

Y/n: Wait up.

Sweetie Belle: Oh, hey Y/n.

Y/n: For what its worth, i thought your play was wonderful.

Sweetie Belle:*blush*smile*Thank you Y/n.(i'm still angry though)

Rarity POV

Fluttershy: All of this is one headpiece?

Rarity: Indeed. This marvelous extravagance is the crème de la crème of the entire wardrobe! But alas, without this key hidden stitch, it's just a... I'm trying to think of a nicer way to say 'big bummer'.*sigh* Now perhaps we can all at last take a moment to relax!

Mlp: One with TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz