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"Can't catch Peevsy! Nobody will ever catch Peevsy the snollygoster!" Came Peeves's delighted sing-song voice.

Harry waited another minute until the outside corridors were silent once more before whispering, "Lumos."

"How did you know where Filch would be?" You asked quietly.

Harry offered you the parchment he was holding. You took it from him and held it out in the light. It looked like a regular map of Hogwarts, but there was hundreds of tiny dots on the map labeled with people's names. Some you recognized, others you didn't. You watched, thoroughly amazed, as Filch's dot hurried down a hallway after Peeves leading toward the opposite side of the school.

"Is this real? Are those actual people?" You whispered.

"Yeah," Harry replied, feeling a surge of confidence at your amazement. "It shows where everybody in the castle is. See, that's us right there."

"This is insane!" You said excitedly. "Where'd you get it?"

"Fred and George gave it to me back in third year," Harry explained.

You looked back up at Harry to see him wearing a boyish grin that made him look devilishly handsome in the soft light coming from his wand. In an instant you'd used your free hand to cup the back of Harry's neck, pulling him down to meet your mouth.

Harry seemed surprised at first, but he relaxed into it quickly. Wrapping one arm around your waist while his other palm lay flat on the door just next to your head.

Folding the map back up with one hand, you reached around Harry's waist to slip it into the back pocket of his jeans.

"You've got a nice ass," you mumbled cheekily into the kiss.

"Makes two of us," Harry mumbled back, pressing you flatter against the door with his body.

You grinned and pressed your palms to the sides of his face, as you parted your lips.

A few minutes later, Harry was sucking a purple mark onto your collarbone and the closet had become increasingly warmer.

"Don't you think this seems a bit cliche?" You hummed, threading your fingers through Harry's.

"Wha'd'you mean?" Harry murmured, coming back up to kiss the sides of your mouth.

"Two horny teenagers late at night almost get caught, boy pulls girl into a broom closet to hide, and finds an excuse to kiss her," you smirked.

Harry pulled away to gawk at you. "Hey, you kissed me!"

You looked up at the ceiling and pretended to think. "Not sure I remember that. I think you're just trying to cover your own sneaky ass because I figured out your plan!"

"You were just complimenting my sneaky ass a few minutes ago," Harry said with a cheeky grin.

You slipped one hand into his back pocket again. "Doesn't make it any less sneaky."

Harry scoffed. "Would you rather Filch have caught us while you were wearing this," he took the hem of your nightgown and rubbed it between his fingers, "and my shirt?"

"Who knows? Maybe Filch would've joined!" You giggled.

Harry cringed and pretended to gag. "I'd rather my first time not be with Filch if you don't mind."

Everything I'm supposed to hate • Harry J. Potter •Where stories live. Discover now