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It was—

"Parkinson! The Snitch! Watch out!"

Your head snapped around to try to see who was yelling at you and then back to the front just in time to see the ground barreling towards you and the Snitch a centimeter away from your face. You tried desperately to pull your broom upwards with one hand while the other grasped blindly in the air for the golden ball. Harry had swerved towards you, catching sight of the Snitch, as well. But both of you were too late.

You collided with the ground, limbs flying everywhere. Four hands flew through the air trying to catch the golden ball. Someone was on top of you. No you were on top of them. You felt something in your arm crunch painfully as you flipped over your side. Something hard and hairy hit the back of your head. Your knee slammed into something soft.

Finally, you stopped moving. You were 80% sure you were sitting up. Panting, you tried to clear your vision to figure out what the hell just happened. Your head was throbbing painfully where you'd been hit by a mysterious object.

Your dizziness and blurry vision faded away after a few seconds and you made a strange squeaking noise as you saw who was under you looking equally as dazed and confused. Somehow you'd ended up landing on top of Harry, semi-straddling his hips with your legs twisted together uncomfortably and one of your knees wedged into his stomach. Your shoulder screamed in pain as you pushed yourself off of his chest.

Suddenly, you realized your fist was closed around something smooth and cold that was wriggling furiously. Without thinking, you raised your hand in the air to announce you'd won. Your shoulder defied you and shot a jolt of intense pain through your entire arm. You cried out as the feeling of a thousand knives stabbed at your muscles. Still, you kept your fist tightly closed on the Snitch even as you leaned forward to cradle your shoulder.

You were acutely aware you were still on top of Harry, who seemed to be sporting a broken rib, courtesy of your knee. But the pain in your arm was too unbearable to let you have the chance to scramble off of him.

You had been deafened by the blood rushing in your ears before, but now you could hear people yelling and pounding footsteps running towards you. Someone was behind you, shouting something you couldn't understand. A strong hand grasped your hurt shoulder and sent a new wave of pain through your limb even stronger than the last. You screamed again, jerking away from whoever it was. The hand quickly retracted, as the shouting grew louder and more muddled.

Then, suddenly, you were being pulled off of Harry who you could hear groaning in pain, but he and everyone else around you sounded like they were underwater. Whoever had pulled you up had somehow maneuvered your body so they were carrying you bridal style with your hurt shoulder facing outward.

"Y/n? Y/n, can you hear me?"

Your vision was blurring again, but you were sure it was Theo's face in front of you. That must have meant he was carrying you, right?

You lost your train of thought as a revelation popped into your head.

"Yes, my lovely darling, are you alright?"

"Theo, I got it," you mumbled. Your head was beginning to feel much heavier than usual.

"Hmm? You got what, pumpkin? "

"The Snitch. I won. They have to know we won."

It took an effort to lift your hand high enough so Theo could see the Snitch still wriggling in your fist.

"Don't worry, my lovely, l'll tell them, alright?"

"I don't feel so good, Theo."

You could barely keep your eyes open and it felt like the pain in your shoulder was spreading to your chest.

"Is I know. You took a nasty fall and you collided with Potter, but--"

I forgot about Potter...

A/n; HAHAHA FUCKERSS ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! I love y'all but I like to play with you🤪

Everything I'm supposed to hate • Harry J. Potter •Where stories live. Discover now