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"You should watch where you're going, Potter," Abella snapped. 

If he was going to play the house supremacy game, she would play it 10 times harder. She wasn't going to let someone like him talk her down. 

She was a Slytherin after all.

Her back still ached from its collision with the floor.

"Watch it, Potty," Draco snarled from behind her.

 "Do your stupid glasses even work?"

Crabbe and Goyle howled with laughter, and Pansy snickered as well. Astoria and Daphne even smirked malevolently. Abella didn't think Draco's comment was all that humorous, but she didn't say so.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry replied angrily. "It's not my fault you're all taking up the entire corridor!"

She snorted and looked around at the twenty feet of space between each of the walls.

"I think you should get your head examined," she remarked. "Maybe it's that scar of yours. Messed you up in the head, did it?"

That really got Draco and his goons going. Harry just glared at her like he had a bad taste in his mouth.

"We'll be going now. Don't want to be seen with the likes of him during our first week," Astoria sneered.

Abella sent one last withering glare toward Harry, and the six of them stalked off to Transfiguration.

Harry had knocked her over, yes, but it was what he had not done that sparked Abella's distaste for him.

 He had seen her green tie and immediately decided she were not worth his time.

 Not worth the time it would take to help her up.

 But she were a Parkinson. Abella was a Parkinson and she would be damned if people, certainly not a Gryffindor, didn't treat her with the respect her family name had earned.


from that moment on, Abella resented Harry Potter like no other. Throughout their years at Hogwarts the hatred she fostered for him only grew through his obnoxious quests and constant endangerment to himself and everybody around him.

He just had to be even more known than he already was. 

He just had to be the talk of the town.

He just HAD to steal her parents attention, again, and again. 

It was getting quite annoying, to be frank. 

Her envy grew with this hatred, the venom in her mouth filled up more and more each passing time she said it.

Second year, Abella steered clear of him, letting Draco Malfoy, who she had grown to tolerate (certainly not like, though), make his life harder.

Third year, when Abella heard Harry had fainted on the train because of a dementor she couldn't hold back a snigger and a scoff. "Attention slag." Was all that she said.

She still didn't care for Draco, but his impressions were quite funny. She let Harry know from the Slytherin table just how funny they were. From then on, She found Herself with a newfound amusement for taunting Harry and his friends during lessons.

However, Abella stopped laughing at Draco's jokes when he got one of Hagrid's hippogriffs, Buckbeak, killed. Pansy found it no trouble at all to fawn over Draco's "broken" arm.

Secretly, she loved Buckbeak. During hard times she snuck out and just hung out with hum, brushing his feathers and talking to him. 

When Pansy heard her mocking Draco with Astoria in the common room one day, Pansy had huffed and stomped off to their shared dorm.

Everything I'm supposed to hate • Harry J. Potter •Where stories live. Discover now