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A/n: before we start this chapter I just wanted to let you know this is important please don't skip over it because I know some people like to do that,  anyways please leave some suggestions and or feedback! bye !

The only time you could ever seem to really get Harry out of your head was when you were playing quidditch....

Flying on a broom was like nothing else in your life. It was magical, exhilarating. Shooting through the clouds chasing after the Snitch, the wind whipping your hair back, the secure and yet precarious balance you had on your broom, hands gripping the sturdy wood underneath you.

Practices were blissful even if you came out sweaty and sore. You were certain you had finally found a way to stop thinking about Harry until the fateful day of the Gryffindor-Slytherin match came along.

The game had started fine with your team scoring the first goal in just a matter of minutes. You kept your entire focus on finding the Snitch, not even daring to glance over at your opposing Seeker.

You circled the pitch, eyes carefully and skillfully scanning the air in search of a glimmer of gold. Every so often you dodged a stray Bludger from Gryffindor's new Beaters. You were beginning to shift into a sort of daze as the match continued on, still refusing to acknowledge Harry's presence across the field.

"Y/n! Potter's after it!" Adrian yelled as he threw the Quaffle to Terrence Higgs.

You snapped to attention and whipped your head back and forth looking for the boy with the number 7 printed in gold letters on his back. Finally, you saw him, speeding towards the Slytherin goals. He was chasing after something. The Snitch.

Springing into action, you pushed forward on your Firebolt, the same as Harry's except with a black, shiny finish. Harry still had a rather large lead on you, but you could see the Snitch darting back and forth now as the two of you chased after it.

"Come on," you muttered through gritted teeth, leaning even farther over your broom.

You pushed on, following after Harry who still couldn't get within a few feet of the Snitch. Finally, leaning so low on your broom your nose almost touched the handle, you caught up to the tail end of Harry's broom.

"Oh look," came Luna Lovegood's dreamy voice. She had started announcing quidditch matches after Lee Jordan graduated. "Ginny's made another goal. How nice. She's quite pretty isn't she?"

You actually preferred Luna's commentary over Lee's severely biased judgement, but you still found it rather annoying.

"What was that Professor McGonagall? The score? Oh dear, have we been keeping count? ...Oh, yes, I see. Gryffindor and Slytherin are tied. I do wonder who will win. Harry and Y/n have been chasing that little ball for a while now, haven't they? I'd have suspected they'd caught it by now."

You clenched your jaw in annoyance as you finally leveled out with Harry next to you. The Snitch was still another foot in front of you, but you decided to risk a quick glance toward Harry.

Your eyes flitted from the Snitch to Harry on your left. You almost fell off your broom when you realized he was looking at you, too. Both of you held the others eye for a few seconds longer than necessary

Harry's eyes were as captivating as ever. They had this intensity that made you want to look away and never stop staring into them all at the same time. You felt your heartbeat quicken, but you were sure it wasn't from the adrenaline rush of quidditch. It was--

A/n: HEHHEHEEHHEHEH CLIFFHANGER BITCHASSS!!!! Anywaysssss... part two is going to be amazing as well, anyways! Would you guys prefer longer chapters or shorter chapters? Thank you! Bye! I hope you enjoy the cliffhanger😏

Everything I'm supposed to hate • Harry J. Potter •Where stories live. Discover now