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During Abella's fifth year, she strayed even farther from Draco and their shared group of friends. The group had expanded to include all of the most prestigious Slytherins in their year and the year above: Draco, Pansy, Astoria, Daphne, Blaise, Theodore, Matteo Adrian, Crabbe, Goyle, and Abella, of course. Marcus Flint had been close to them as well, but he had graduated at the end of her fourth year.

Many of the Slytherins agreed with Umbridge for the sole reason she made the rest of the school unhappy. Abella, on the other hand, were just as unhappy. She couldn't understand how they could be so okay with not learning actual magic in DADA

"It's useless," She had ranted to Pansy, Daphne, and Astoria in their shared dorm room. "What's the point of taking Defense Against the Dark Arts if we aren't even going to learn how to defend ourselves!"

"I suppose it is a bit backwards," Daphne frowned as Astoria painted her nails a pretty green shade on her bed. Pansy was busy braiding her hair in front of her mirror.

" do you think dray will like it curled it like this?" Pansy said

"Oh come off it, Pans," Abella groaned. It seemed the only thing Pansy thought of nowadays was Draco.

Pansy huffed and looked back at her. "I don't understand what's so wrong about wanting to get his attention!"

"He's just so... ugh, I don't know," she grimaced. "I would've thought you'd gotten over him by now."

"How long has it been?" Astoria piped up.

"Since second year," Daphne giggled.

"And you've been flirting with Adrian since third, Daph," Pansy snapped back. "You haven't even tried to get him to ask you out."

"If I wanted to go out with Pucey I'd ask him myself," Daphne replied coolly. "Not everyone has time to coax a boy and his stupid ego to ask them out."

Pansy glared at the three of them before turning back to work on her braids.

Everything I'm supposed to hate • Harry J. Potter •Where stories live. Discover now