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ORIGIAL MAY 2ND (??) 2021


Two months later the DA was in full swing in the Room of Requirement. Despite her insistence she was only there to learn Harry remained skeptical. Abella couldn't exactly blame him, but resentment still burned in her chest every time he passed her failing attempts silently.

Another month of trying to learn by watching other people and listening to the corrections Harry gave them while he ignored Abella had proved to be very little help.

As she tried with all her might to produce a Patronus charm with no avail one late day in December, she was ready to give up and resign from the DA. That was until she heard a familiar brunette's voice come from behind her.

"Soften your wrist."

Abella blinked in surprise as another barely visible silver wisp left her wand and turned to look at Harry. But he had already moved on to help one of the Patil twins. She furrowed her brows and turned back around, intently focusing on a happy memory.

she flicked her wand, somewhat grudgingly, following Harry's instructions to soften her begrudgent wrist. Images of Abella and Pansy running through the Parkinson Manor's garden together filled her mind.

"Expecto Patronum," she muttered, opening her eyes to see a few more wisps of silver escape her wand.


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to steady her ever so short temper.

"Say the words clearer."

She didn't bother turning around again. She knew Harry had already moved past her onto Neville Longbottom.

She tried the charm again, this time thinking of giggling and gossiping with Daphne, Astoria, and Pansy on her bed.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Again, Abella saw more silver wisps float from her wand. There were more than last time, but it still wasn't enough.

"Stronger memory," Harry muttered as he passed behind her again for the third time.

She frowned and tried to recall a happier, stronger memory

Suddenly, a memory of a quidditch match from third year popped into her head. Abella and Harry had been neck and neck, just mere feet from the Snitch. She'd glanced in Harry's direction to make sure she was ahead of him when she caught him grinning. At her.

The two of them had made eye contact for a few seconds, smiling at each other of all things. And then, Abella had turned back to see the Snitch brush against her fingertips.

She had won the match a second later. Her team had lifted her on their shoulders, parading her around back to the changing rooms.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Her wand shook in her boney hand and Abellas eyes startled open as a silvery figure shot from her wand. It glided around the large room. People stopped what they were doing to watch the magnificent creature spread its wings as it stopped just in front of her.

A black swan.

She could tell by the evidently darker shade of the feathers. Reaching out her hand breathlessly, the swan bowed its elegant head and let her ghost her fingers across its misty crown of feathers. Then, it faded into swirls of smoke and it was gone.

"Good," Harry nodded, lips pressed tightly together. "Everyone back to work, we don't have much longer before holiday break."

Everyone turned back to their own wands, but Abella stayed where she was, staring at the spot her Patronus had disappeared. It had not been the Patronus that shocked Abella. It had been the memory she'd thought of to conjure it.

Abella Parkinson, the slytherin goddess, master of fucking all things "evil",  thought of Harry Potter of all people! But... it couldn't be. She hated him. Abella hated him. Absolutely loathed his everbearing presence. His insufferable laugh, and smile, with overbearing green eyes to match. It was simply a happy memory because she had brought her team to victory.

Or so she tried to convince herself.

But, she'd done that plenty of times, hadn't she? Why that specific memory? Why that specific moment?

Could she..?

Could Abella maybe...?




She couldn't. She didn't. She wouldn't. Abella downright refused.

That day was Abella Parkinsons last at the DA. They were found out a month later because of Cho Chang's friend Marietta Edgecombe. Abella didn't feel particularly bad for either of the girls when the rest of the DA shunned them. She had never liked Marietta, and when the news of Harry and Cho going out had caught up to her, a newfound dislike for the Ravenclaw girl had burned in the pit of her stomach.

She hated it.

She had to distract herself from those... from it.

So, Abella did just that. Found herrself a distraction...

A/n: THIS CHAPTER IS SUPER IMPORTANT! I mean it! It will make a lot of sense for the back of the story! If you have any comments please be free to do so and it would help with that if you voted! Ty! I hope you enjoy!🥰

A/N 2023 HEY GUYS !!!

Everything I'm supposed to hate • Harry J. Potter •Where stories live. Discover now