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To be quite frank, she didn't see why Pansy tried so hard with Draco. Abella honestly couldn't see the appeal. He was a spoiled brat. All bark, no bite. That was certainly clear with his constant whining about his arm and how he was going to get "that mangy beast" killed on his orders.

Honestly, she hadn't believed him until she saw Draco with a broken nose running from where Hermione Granger stood, wiping her eyes with bloodied knuckles.

"Filthy Mudblood, that girl," Pansy snarled.

Abella frowned at her. "Since when did you start using slurs?"

She thought she and her twin were above that. The disappointment was evident on her face.

"Draco says it," she replied defensively.

"Draco harassed a hippogriff and got that stupid 'broken' arm you've been fawning over all month. If he did it, you're sure to try it sometime, too, right?"

Pansy scoffed. "You just don't get it."

She was right. Abella didn't.

Even so, Her hatred for Harry Potter didn't dwindle with your distaste of Draco Malfoy, who held the same contempt for The Boy Who Lived.


During Abella's fourth year, her taunts and jests continued with a newfound fire when Harry began to retort back with more confidence.

Their arguments were legendary, even more talked about than Harry and Draco's stand offs.

 Sometimes The both of them had screaming matches in the corridor until a swarm of students had gathered around to look back and forth between the two of them until they got whiplash.

 Other times, She had to be sneakier in lessons. Both of them would throw papers at the others head, purposely mess up their work, get them in trouble with the professor (Abella, more often than not, got Harry detention with Snape), etc.

 Sometimes they just threw jinxes at each other as they passed in the corridor. Madame Pomfrey was getting sick and tired of their constant visits.

Their most exciting duels, however, were on the quidditch field.

Harry had, of course, made the Gryffindor quidditch team his first year, showoff.

 Something that majorly fueled the burning pit of hatred she had for him. It was supposed to be Abella that would become Hogwarts's youngest quidditch player, but Dumbledore had always preferred Gryffindors, hadn't he?

Once she made the Slytherin quidditch team in her second year with Draco, she was unstoppable. Being Harry's rival Seeker (Abella had gladly beaten Malfoy to the position. He ended up a Chaser instead) was the cherry on top of their years long feud.

A/n: hey! I'm sorry these chapters are kind of short, it will be worth it so just be patient please! Again I'm sorry it's kind of short it will be worth it! If you have any comments please be free to do so thank you!😇

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