Chapter 66

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“Who the hell?!” my voice echoed throughout the apartment.

I groaned when someone doesn't seem to stop pushing the doorbell.

“Who the hell?.” I said one more time but this it was just for myself to hear. I stood up on my foot and made my way in the front door.

I didn't dare to look at the hole to see who's son of the devil who don't stop ring the doorbell.

“I swear to God if you—” I was cut off when the door revealed the person.

“If I what?” she chuckled and walked past me.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind and trailed after her.

This girl really gets in my nerves.

“Why so grumpy today?” she asked as she flopped on the sofa feeling at home.

“You showed up annoyingly ringing my doorbell nonstop when you had turned me down when I ask you for a hangout and basically as you can see I'm here home alone.” I stated emphasizing what's already obvious about why I am so irritated right now and sent her my irrated smile.

“Chill, I was just playing around.” she started as she put her feet on the table.

I sat next to her and harshly swat her feet off the table.

She was about to protest and stop herself and continue what she was saying, “Plus, I'm sorry that I didn't reply because I was already getting ready for this hangout.”

“Oh is that so?” I asked guilty.

“It's fine bestie.” she said and then hug me.

“Get off Lauren!” I groaned trying to free myself from her.

“Now go and get ready, I'll be waiting here.” she said while playfully pushed me.

I stumbled a bit which made her apologized for it.

“This girl~” I whispered as I make my way from her.

“Is hot as fck.” she said. I turned around to send her a glare which made her laugh.

I turned around and locked the door since the person that in my living room could barge through any time without knocking.

I entered the bathroom and get myself naked before turning on the shower and cleaned myself.

“Aren't you done yet?!” said by Lauren as she pounded my door with her loud knocks.

“This woman~, I wasn't even here for 10 minutes yet.” I mumbled.

“I was just picking what I'm going to wear,” I irritatedly shouted.

But for real, I was just getting off the bathroom.

I turned off the shower and reached for my bathrobe.

“Y/n!!!!” she shouted again.

“I swear to God Lauren~!!!” I warned.

I feel bad for lying so~ “I'm just getting off the shower,” I confessed.

“What a lying btch!” I heard.

I just laughed it off and went to my closet and pulled out what I picked to wear.

I decided not put so much effort in dressing myself and doing makeup since I am just going out and have no one to impress since that person is busy recording.

I unlocked the door to see her on the floor. I asked her a question but she just walked pass me and flopped on the bed.

“You took an hour getting ready!” she complains.

Behind Closed Doors : Opposite Of All ☆Camila Cabello ☆Where stories live. Discover now