Chapter 64

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Camila's POV

I was done eating my breakfast and just wait for her to finish hers.

I look at her. Her side profile never failed to impress me. I love the way her eyelashes flick whenever she blinks, the way her cheeks and lips move whenever she munches and talks. the way the light reflects through her beautiful brown orbs that I can see from where I am sitting, the way her ear moves without her knowing.

Everything about her is so perfect. I am not only saying this because she is mine. To be honest, a lot of our friends always compliment her and kid about if she is single, they would totally hit on her. No offense to me, they always added in the end. I am not lying if I said I am not affected whenever they do that although they only do that to tease me.

Everything about her is what everyone is wishing to have.

"Take a picture, it will last longer," I blinked and straightened myself up.

I turned away from her to get my phone and took continuous shots of her. She turned towards me, sending me daggers. She tried to take the phone away from me, telling me to delete it. Of course, me being me, I did not let her reach my phone. I turned my back at her and I could feel her glaring at the back of my head. I just chuckled and check the photos, to see one photo looking while her mouth is full. I giggled and showed her. She almost reached my phone luckily, I quickly dodged.

"I just did what I was told to," I said giggling whilst she whines telling me how unfair I am.

"It's not unfairness. It is love," I said. Where the fvck did that came from?

I volunteered to wash the dishes but she refuses because I was the one who made the breakfast, she thinks it would be fair if she cleans up, according to her. I also refused but she said it's okay and give a glare. I let her anyway.

I was looking at her while I was leaning against the counter when my phone rings. I answered the call after looking at the i.d... I just stayed where I was standing while I was talking on the phone, we both do that for some reasons that neither of us has the answer why.

"Sure, I'll be there. Bye," I said before hanging up.

I walk towards her and snaked my arms around her petite body and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"I need to go to the studio," I informed feeling really guilty.

I need to go to the studio.

Fvck! I was supposed to be free today.

"I heard," she said.

"I can't stop you, can I?" she asked even though she already knows the answer.

I tighten my grip around her and sigh.

"I'm sorry," all I could say. It is something that out of my control, it's the management who called.

"Don't be," she turned smiling.

"It is what you love doing, right?" she asked and I answered her yes.

"Do not let anyone stop you from doing what you love even if it is me," she said wholeheartedly.

I don't know. I just frowned. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me a tight hug. I just closed my eyes and inhale her scent.

"Stop with that frown. I'm fine," she said chuckling.

"You are not,"

"Yeah," she just mumbled, "But like what you said, I can't stop you."

"I'm sorry,"

"Stop saying sorry," she whines.

"I love you," I said.

"Love you too,"

Y/n's POV

I sighed and flopped down on the couch after she's left. I stared at the ceiling feeling so heavy, she was supposed to be here, only here with me today because today is her free day from work but I don't know what changed to take her away.

I sighed for the second time and groaned.

I would be lying if I said I am not feeling any dejections and distraughts. I closed my eyes to find relaxation and peace of mind and all of a sudden, these questions came to my mind;

what if I am single right now, will I go through the same thing?

What am I thinking?! These weren't supposed to be in my head.

But... Probably not. If I am single right now, I wouldn't be in any of situations right now. I really thought this would be different from the other one. Yes, it is different because everyone knows about us whether they like or despise the relationship that we have but I couldn't care less about what they think of us.

It took me a while to sink everything in. I did not jump to Camila after her right away even she really did push me towards Camila and away from her. I am still thinking why did she do that, not that I want her back or anything but sometimes I cannot understand how, what I feel and why am I feeling so confused everything every time. She still has a soft spot to me and Camila knows and understands that.

I don't deserve her.

I really don't.

I really don't know what I did to have her.  She's very understanding and thoughtful since the very start and even when I first met her and I don't understand why people hate her. She was the one who was there that time and having her right now is still not sinking.

I snapped out of my thoughts and sit up.

I'm bored.

I reached my phone from the table in front of me and scroll through my instagram. I liked some photos of mine that were posted by fan accounts. I also scroll through search and watch some videos. And there are these videos of group girls that are posted by fan accounts who I always scroll to. They are getting popular each day. They are everywhere in billboards, in everybody's words, in twitter, everywhere.

I feel proud, although I am not a fan and only know two of them because they were in the same fashion show with Selena before. I mean, finally! Freaking finally! Western found its competitor. There were a lot of non-western musicians trying to break into western music market but none of them succeeded. But they and the other group, they faved the way for everyone who's trying to do that for years.

I scrolled through Camila's pictures and read the caption ‘spotted out’. I don't know what's up with me but I zoomed it in and scroll pass not leaving any traces that I had been there.

I suddenly miss her. Well, I always miss her whenever she's away. I closed the application and went through my messages and find her name.

I miss you already.
Take care... Love you.

I typed but erased eventually. I feel so timid in things that has to do with her everytime. I feel like a lovesick teenager who has a crush and gets timid everytime her crush interacts with her.

I typed the same words again and this time I send it to her. I immediately put it away from me and fan myself using my hands.

Why is it so hot here?

A/n: My sched in school is not as hectic as before but I have this feeling that they would dump the activities next week. Oh please! God no.

Btw, here you go. Hope you like it!

Behind Closed Doors : Opposite Of All ☆Camila Cabello ☆Where stories live. Discover now