Chapter 14

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" What happened ? " asked Simon handing him his jacket to warm him up a bit, but Zhehan was too stunned to tell what had happened so Han grabbed his arm and wrapped it around his shoulder, Simon came to help and Han stopped him " It's okay I'll take him, just open his green room door for me " Han looked ahead " Everyone move out of the way ! " he demanded and the crowd moved giving a way for Han and Zhehan to go.

Bursting the door open Han came in with Zhehan's hand wrapped around his shoulder, with help of Simon Han placed Zhehan down. Zhehan who looked traumatized sat there stunned " Simon can you help me with something ? " Simon nodded his head " Can you get some coffee ? " Simon nodded " Sure " he said as he ran outside closing the door behind. Han searched for a towel and when he found them, he bought it to Zhehan and dried his hair. The room was filled with silence the only sound that came was the sound of Han wiping Zhehan's hair. Simon rushed in with a warm cup of coffee in his hand. After being done with drying Zhehan, Han wrapped him with a warm blanket and gave him the cup of coffee.

Zhehan took the coffee in his hand and took a sip, his eyes teared a bit " I don't want to do this anymore ~ " Zhehan teared as his voice broke, Han pulled him closer making Zhehan's head rest upon his shoulder " What happened ? How did you get drenched ? " Han asked worried as he was still not able to get what had happened. Simon scooted closer as he wanted to know as well. Zhehan sighed taking another sip of his coffee " I sat there in my chair waiting for you to get me a bottle of water and all of sudden, I felt water drips on my hand, I didn't know from where it came, s o when I finally looked up, I didn't even get time to run because by the time I looked up a huge amount of water poured on me " he said wiping the tears off from his eyes.

Han made a confused face " But form where did the water come from ? " as Han and Simon were thinking about the question it then struck Simon " Liu said we would be having a rain photoshoot, maybe they kept a water tank above and someone opened the nozzle to let the water run out " Simon scrunched his nose " But who did it ? " Han looked at Zhehan as he knew who must have done it, but Zhehan was was not in the mood to speak anything. Zhehan spoke once again " Youming gege ~ I don't want to do this anymore " Zhehan only called Han by his name when he was feeling sad and needed the emotional support and when he did call him that way Han knew Zhehan was feeling very low on his confidence level.

Han looked at Simon and shook his head, he didn't know how to boost his confidence, Simon nodded his head in a subtle way and then spoke " Han just go to Liu and ask permission on behalf of Xiao han ~ " Han nodded his head and smiled and left the room closing the door behind. Simon scooted closer to Zhehan as he saw Zhehan was feeling very down " Xiao han ~ " he called in a low tone, Zhehan responded but didn't look at Simon " Don't call me that " Simon laughed " Fine, Zhehan sweetheart " Zhehan angered and rose his fist to hit Simon, but Simon immediately caught his hand pinned on the couch climbing onto to him, Zhehan struggled to let himself go " Get off me, let me go you jerk ! " 

Simon bend down as he looked at Zhehan eyes on contact with each other, Simon spoke " Where is this fire of yours when anyone else other than me bullies you ?! " Simon questioned, Zhehan looked at him eyes frozen aa Simon's words hit him straight in his mind, Simon grinned " Or do you just like showing a fiery side of yours to me, because guess what, it doesn't work with me I'm still going to be this Simon with you, but remember if you show this side of yours to everyone, they won't bully you here on, they won't repeat the same thing with you "

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