Chapter 10

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" Okay, today we are going to do the scene 73, Jian's first day as secretary of Huan " Zhehan nodded his head, while Simon prepared himself getting to his place, Zhehan stood behind the door as the shoot started with him opening the door and entering Huan's office. Director Liu clapped his hands to get everyone's attention " Okay ! Ready, Lights ! Camera! Action ! " the lights were set and the camera pointed at Zhehan. Zhehan huffed as he opened the door.

Simon who sat on his chair reading a file just like his charter was supposed to Zhehan opened the door loud, but Simon didn't flinch " Mr. Cheng, the doors here are very easy to handle " he said looking up from his file, his eyes landed upon the white shirt which was semi visible making both Simon and his on screen character Huan very curious on why he had chosen it to wear for his first day of work, Jian stepped in the room with some files in his hand with a small smirk on his face he looked at Huan " Doors are easy to handle boss, it's the people who aren't easy here " he said placing the file on his desk.

Huan smirked " Should I do something to change that thought ? " he asked getting up. Both the men facing each other, only a table separating them, but the sexual tension over the roof. Jian continued to smirk and look at Huan, while Huan wasn't ready to back just yet. Just then Huan's phone rang which made him look away with a grunt he sighed, Jian placed the file on the desk and looked at Huan signaling him whether he could leave or not, to which he waved his hand meaning he can go.

After coming out Jian took his phone out and dialed a number, waiting for a few more minutes, the voice from the other side spoke  " Hello ~ " Jian grinned " It's time " he said in a low but a stern voice to which the voice at the other end hummed " Okay, I'll be there tomorrow " said the person and ended the call. Jian ended the call as well, and walked back to his desk, waiting for a drama to unfold soon enough.

" And ... CUT ! " screamed Director Liu, the entire crew around the set was pretty satisfied with the scene, even Zhehan was happy that he did the scene well. Simon got up from the desk and walked to director Liu, were Zhehan already stood by Liu as he was explaining the next scene, Simon came in and put his hands around Zhehan's shoulder " Director Liu, I.. " Zhehan stopped talking when he sensed someone had wrapped their arms around his shoulder, he looked at who it was and immediately made a poker face, both Liu and Zhehan were looking at Simon, which made him confused " What ? What did I do ? " he asked making Zhehan roll his eyes and coughed to indicate where Simon's hands were. Simon looked at his eyes and then back at Zhehan's shoulder and took his arms down making an awkward smile " Sorry ~ " 

Director Liu resumed to talk " In the next shoot Daikun will be joining us as well, so take a break for an hour and we will resume later " he instructed as Simon and Zhehan nodded their head. As they were about to leave, Liu called them once again " Simon, Zhehan ~ We have to go for outdoor shoot today, so make sure get all things you need " Zhehan nodded his head, as Manager Han stood by him walking to his green room. On the way to his room, Manager Han instructed Zhehan " Zhehan ~  We are shooting outside for the first time " Zhehan hummed " So make sure to not get affected by anything " he said patting his shoulder making Zhehan confused " What ? " Han sighed " You know fans, some of them might have positive comments, so me might have negative comments, make sure to just smile and don't take those to heart " Zhehan nodded, he hadn't even thought about it and now that Han had mentioned it, Zhehan was worried about it, but he decided not to think about it much and just stay by his work.


The cast and crew were ready to leave for their outdoor set, first stepped outside was Simon, where the fans went nuts for him, screams had covered the entire place, almost making Zhehan deaf. " Wow, his fans are as loud as him " he commented to which Manager Han hit him in the arm. Following Simon, Daikun went behind him and the fans od Daikun were not less loud, but seeing them both close made fans even more happy as they were the original ships for them. Zhehan soon walked with his manager to the car, but as soon as he stepped out he had got mixed reaction from the fans " Ah he is a nobody, after this drama is over Daikun and Simon will resume to acting together once more " said one side of fans " Please, Daikun is old for Simon, Zhehan and Simon are perfect match " said the other side of fans.

A fight started with both side of fans and objects were bring thrown in the air, Zhehan was stressed about it but manager Han took Zhehan safely to their car. After sitting inside Zhehan looked out of the window as the car started to move saw the fans still fighting over this problem, Manager Han spoke " This is what I said " he looked at the rear window, Zhehan looked back at Han and made a stressed face " Over such a small thing " Han sighed " What seems small to us is not small for fans " Zhehan looked at outside the window once again to see the fans still going on. He sighed as he rested his head upon the car cushion.


After thirty minutes drive, the entire cast and crew had reached the outdoor set, Zhehan got inside his vanity van to get changed, just as he came outside after getting changed, Daikun stood outside of Zhehan's vanity van scrolling down his phone. Zhehan sighed as he not only had to deal with fans, now he had to face Daikun as well, sensing Zhehan had come out, Daikun looked up from his phone and smirked, Zhehan didn't care about him and walked past him, that's when Daikun spoke catching Zhehan's attention, making him stop and listen to him " Seems like you were ambushed by fans " Daikun laughed making Zhehan angry, but even before he could say anything Daikun spoke once again " This is just the beginning, you still have time ~ To leave the cast " saying this Daikun walked off as Zhehan kicked the tire of his vanity van in frustration.

He was mumbling in a low tone walking towards the set and that's when he heard another voice which annoyed him " I heard fans had suddenly began to attack you " Simon asked patting Zhehan shoulder, Zhehan swatted his hands away " SO what ? Are you going to tell me to leave the cast as well ? " Zhehan asked in an angry tone, this made Simon confused " What? Huh? Who asked you to leave ? " Zhehan sighed shaking his head, it wasn't right to tell anyone what was happening with him and Daikun, moreover Han was right as no one would believe him. " Nothing " Zhehan answered as Simon smiled " Are you alright ? " he asked in a worried tone.

Zhehan sighed as he nodded his head " I'm okay, I have to go " he said waling towards the set, but immediately Simon held his wrist making him halt at his place, Zhehan turned around with a surprised expression " Don't care for what fans says not everyone will praise you all the time " he said smiling, Zhehan rolled his eyes shaking his hands off to let himself go " Fans don't annoy me, it's just you " said Zhehan waling off, while Simon laughed running after him " What did I do ? " Simon asked following Zhehan to which he pretended not to hear.

" So he has started playing huh? Guess I have to up my game as well " standing in corner Daikun who was watching everything, smirked at the thought of his future plans that he would be executing against Zhehan, for him he needed to go, both from the cast as well from Simon." The game has just begun ~" said Daikun walking off elegantly to his vanity van, but his face said nothing else than evil.


To Be Continued ...

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