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Harry got the job but he didn't have to start until two months later, which gave him time to acclimate Darcy to daycare, the same one that Johannah attended.

He terminated his contract for his apartment and moved into Louis'. The boys were really excited about it and helped them carry things for a whole day. Louis had finally cleared the storage unit and they blended their pieces of furniture and put the rest of it in the unit.

Darcy took her first steps on a Saturday morning and they all jumped and cheered. Louis managed to get it on tape the second time around. She turned one a month after that and they held a birthday party to celebrate her. Harry invited his mum and sister and introduced them to Louis and the kids. They took a trip to Doncaster the weekend after that to meet Louis' family.

They celebrated their first Christmas and Louis' birthday together at home as a family and they had a quiet New Year's Eve at home as well.

In January Johannah started to call Harry Papa and Dominic and Elton joined in. Harry cried happy tears which made Louis cry as well.

Dominic's football practice started up again and Louis got the offer to be one of the coaches which he gladly accepted after talking to Harry about it.

Their sex life just kept getting better and better. Louis had bottomed as well and the experience made him cry. He had no idea how useful a prostate could be.

At the end of the Summer Louis proposed and Harry immediately said yes. They bought a house together in August and held a beautiful wedding in September.

Louis had never even imagined that he would be this happy again after Olivia passed. They kept her memory alive and Harry listened to all the stories the kids told him about their mum. He, who always wanted a big family had been fortunate to get three more amazing kids at once. And Louis. Louis was everything.

The End

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