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"Dominic, put your jersey on. We have to go!" Louis shouted.

Sunday meant a football game at three. He had a late night. He and Harry watched movies until one in the morning and Johannah woke up at seven. But he had a nice evening with Harry so he didn't regret staying up late.

He managed to get all three kids out the door but then he remembered that Darcy's car seat was still in his car. What if Harry needed it? He went and knocked on his door. Harry opened it and smiled when he saw them.
"Uhm, hi. We're going to Dominic's football game but I remembered that we left Darcy's car seat in me car. I just want to make sure that you don't need it in the next couple of hours?"

"That's very thoughtful of you. No, I'm not planning on using the car today so it's fine. Good luck on your game Dominic!" Harry answered.

"Do you wanna come and watch me play?" Dominic asked with a shy smile.

Louis was a little surprised over how fast his kids bonded with their neighbor. They only met him twice for Christ's sake. Harry looked moved by the invite.
"I would love to. Louis? Is that okay, sorry, I should have talked to you first, ehm, it's totally fine if I can't..."

Things were getting awkward again.
"Can you be ready in five minutes?"

"Yes, here, can you dress Darcy? I have to boil some water and make sure the diaper bag is stocked." Harry said excitedly and handed Louis the baby and a thin overall before he ran to the kitchen to start the kettle and find a thermos.

Louis smiled at Darcy and began to dress her carefully. Four minutes later Harry came running into the hallway with a packed bag. He grabbed the baby carriage and they headed down to the garage. They were cutting it close but Louis would rather enjoy Harry's company anyhow. They managed to get all the children into the minivan and took off.

Dominic was the first one to get out of the car as soon as they arrived and he ran to his teammates. Harry got the baby carriage and Louis took the kids. They had only managed to put Darcy in her carriage when Elton started to complain about needing to go to the bathroom.
"Like a freaking clockwork. We'll be right back." Louis chuckled.

"I can watch Johannah if you want to." Harry offered.

"Really? Yeah. Thanks." Louis smiled.

Harry took Johannah's hand and she went willingly with him. Louis only hesitated for a second. He didn't know Harry that well, they had just met, but for some strange reason, it felt like he had known him his whole life and he trusted him with his kids.

He took Elton to the toilets and when they were returning, the game was about to begin. He saw Harry on the bleachers. He had managed to get a good spot and was holding seats for them. He pointed at them so Elton would see and they headed over. They sat down and Louis took Johannah on his lap.

"No problem. She's a sweetheart." Harry smiled.

The teams entered the field. They waved at Dominic and he raised a hand. The referee blew his whistle and the game began. Louis immediately got invested, cheering them on.
"I think this is the first football game I ever watched." Harry said.

Louis turned his head to stare at him briefly before he looked at the field again.

"Yeah, I'm really happy that Dominic wanted me to come to his game. That's so sweet, but he really put you on the spot there. I hope this is okay?" Harry wondered.

"Of course. RUN DOMINIC! THAT'S IT!" Louis shouted when Dominic got hold of the ball and headed toward the goal.

He stood up and shouted encouraging words and he could hear Harry doing the same. Dominic passed the ball to one of his teammates and continued to run for the goal. He got the ball back and Louis held his breath when he took a shot. The goalie missed and the ball went into the net. Louis screamed.

He took a seat again. Johannah protested a little.
"I'm sorry, sweetie." Louis said softly and kissed the top of her head.

Ten minutes later Darcy started to cry. Harry held her against his chest and tried to comfort her.
"I think she needs a diaper change and she's hungry."

"Change her diaper while I make a bottle." Louis answered.

"Are you sure?" Harry hesitated.

"Of course. I can multi-task." Louis smirked.

He put Johannah next to him on the bench and Harry handed him the bag after he had retrieved a blanket, a diaper, and baby wipes. He placed the blanket next to him on the bench and lay Darcy on top of it and unzipped her overall. In the meantime, Louis found the thermos, a bottle of cold water, formula, and a bottle. He still kept an eye on the game while he mixed the formula. He dripped some of it on the inside of his wrist to make sure that it wasn't too hot. Harry had successfully changed the diaper and dressed Darcy again. He put the dirty diaper in a plastic bag. Louis handed him the bottle and picked up Johannah in his lap again before he concentrated on the game.

Soon it was halftime. Louis picked up a bunch of bananas from his bag. He gave one to Elton and offered Harry one as well before he peeled one for Johannah.

When the game was over Dominic's team had won with 1-0, Dominic being the one who scored.

They packed it up and hurried down to congratulate him. Louis hugged him.
"Great game, sweetie. You were awesome."

"You really were." Harry chipped in.

"Thanks for coming with me to watch me play Harry." Dominic smiled.

"Thanks for inviting me." Harry answered and ruffled Dominic's hair.

They headed to the car and the boys ran in front of them.
"Can I make you all dinner, to celebrate the win?" Harry asked.

"Sure." Louis immediately agreed.

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