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Harry had gone home to his own flat after his little breakdown. Louis felt embarrassed. He was distracted at work but fortunately, he could answer the questions he got in his sleep.

On his way home after picking up the kids, he got a knot in his stomach. He didn't want to face Harry right now. They hadn't made any plans anyhow.
"Let's eat at MacDonald's!" He announced in the car and turned left instead of his usual right to their apartment.

"Isn't Harry waiting for us?" Dominic questioned.

"We haven't made plans for today." Louis answered.

He drove to the nearest MacDonald's and took the kids inside. An hour and a half later they returned to the car and he drove them home. The door was locked when they reached the apartment and he let out a breath of relief. They walked into the kitchen and his heart dropped. The table was set and there were pots on the stove but no sight of Harry. He was such an asshole.

"Dad." Dominic said reproachfully.

"Can you watch Johannah? I'm gonna talk to Harry." Louis asked.

"Of course. Say you're sorry!" Dominic answered.

Louis swallowed down a lump in his throat.
"It's just a misunderstanding, sweetie. I'll be back soon."

He walked over to Harry's apartment. He took a deep breath before he knocked on the door. Harry opened it. He didn't say a word but he looked sad and hurt.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't think you would cook dinner today, not after what ehm, happened last night." Louis apologized.

"Why wouldn't I? I've cooked dinner every day for the last month. You're such an asshole, Louis. You could at least have called me to tell me that I didn't have to bother." Harry replied.

"I know! I'm sorry. I was embarrassed about last night." Louis said, sounding remorseful.

"I told you I wouldn't make it weird, that I will wait." Harry argued.

"Yeah. Can I make it up to you? Can I cook you dinner?" Louis asked.

"Now?" Harry questioned.

"No. Friday?" Louis suggested.

Harry stared at him for what seemed like forever.

"Wanna come over?" Louis asked.

"I think I'll stay at home today. See you on Friday." Harry answered and closed the door.

Friday? It was Tuesday today! Didn't Harry want to see him until then? Louis didn't know how to feel about that. Harry closed the door so he went back home. When the kids were asleep he just sat by himself watching TV. He felt restless.

Wednesday went by. He watched Dominic's football practice as usual but he missed Harry's company. He spent that evening going through cooking books, looking for something to make on Friday. He wanted it to be special and Jamie Oliver helped him out with that, or at least one of his cooking books. He went to bed early.

On Thursday he went grocery shopping. The kids had constantly asked about Harry, even Johannah. They cheered when he told them that Harry and Darcy were coming over for dinner the next day. He felt like cheering as well but contained himself, but he really missed Harry. He had become such a big part of his life.

On Friday he hurried to pick up the kids before he headed home to start with dinner. He wasn't even sure that Harry would show up, to be honest. At six there was a knock on the door and Dominic and Elton ran to open it. Louis could hear Harry's voice in the hallway which turned his stomach into butterflies. When Harry entered the kitchen he turned around to greet him.

"Hi, Lou." Harry answered.

Louis smiled at the new nickname.
"I wasn't sure you were gonna show up. I've missed you." He said softly, heart pounding erratically.

Harry smiled as well.
"I was just trying to give you some space. I've missed you too."

"I don't want space, don't need it. Okay?" Louis said.

"Okay. So, what are you making?" Harry asked.

"Eh, some chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham, and some homemade mash." Louis answered.

Harry let out a whistle.

Louis blushed and turned to the stove to hide his pink cheeks. Harry came up behind him, wrapped his arms around his torso, and hugged him. Louis thought that he let go way too soon. Harry went to the cabinet to collect plates so he could set the table.

The food was ready so Louis called for the kids. He had made some mashed potatoes for Darcy as well and gave the bowl to Harry.
"Thanks. That's sweet of you." Harry smiled.

Louis blushed again. Could he stop doing that? He took a seat at the table after he had helped Johannah get up in her chair. He filled her plate and cut the food into small pieces. The boys were eating. They didn't look impressed but at least they weren't complaining loudly about it. He put food on his own plate and started to eat. It didn't taste much. Now he was disappointed. He had put a lot of time and effort into making this meal.

Harry was done feeding Darcy and helped himself to the food as well. Louis glanced at him so he could catch his reaction. Harry didn't change his facial expression at all. He just ate and hummed in appreciation.
"This is great."

Louis burst out laughing.
"No, it's not. You're such a bad liar."

Harry giggled.
"Well, it's a good try and it doesn't taste that bad. I just appreciate that you made me dinner."

Louis smiled at that and continued to eat. Dominic and Elton were whispering to each other.
"Harry, can we go swimming again tomorrow? We had really fun the last time." Elton asked shyly.

Harry shared a look with Louis.
"That's up for your dad to decide."

"I would love to, I mean, if you don't have plans already?" Louis answered. He wouldn't mind seeing Harry in swim trunks again. The first time they went swimming he had to rush to the showers for a cold one to cool off, because damn!

"No plans. It's settled then." Harry smiled.

Dominic and Elton cheered.

Later that evening when the kids were asleep they sat down in the living room. Louis was tense like a violin string. The last time they sat here they kissed and he freaked out.
"Relax, Lou. I'm not gonna kiss you. Wanna watch a movie?" Harry said.

Louis glanced at him.
"I'm sorry about that. I hope you know that? It was a great kiss, I just..."

"You don't need to explain. I get it." Harry interrupted.


They picked a movie and Louis relaxed. Half through the movie Harry rested his head against his shoulder, but Louis was okay with that. It was nice being this close to Harry. He smelled wonderful. He was wonderful. A part of him was disappointed that they weren't kissing but he knew that he wasn't ready yet and he didn't want to repeat last time.

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