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He had changed his mind back and forward a thousand times already during Thursday and Friday at work. Then he thought that it would be really mean to cancel last second when Harry, even though he was sleep-deprived, was cooking them all dinner. Secondly, he needed help to get the apartment in order. Louis was just being a helpful neighbor. It wouldn't hurt him to socialize for a couple of hours. He had been really boxed in, consumed by grief. Getting to know another single dad would be beneficial, and Harry seemed like a nice guy.

So, when he picked up the kids after work he told them about the plans for the afternoon. Dominic and Elton looked surprised. Friday's usually contained pizza and Disney movies. He was slowly realizing how small of a world he had made for his children. He had to change that.

They headed to their apartment first because he wanted to freshen up before they went over. He changed his clothes, shaved, and put on some aftershave. A half-hour later he took the kids next door and knocked on Harry's door, feeling slightly nervous for some reason.

Harry opened the door with a smile. He looked better, like he actually gained some sleep.
"Hi, welcome! You must be Dominic and Elton, and this cutie must be Johannah. I'm Harry and this is Darcy. Come in! I hope you're hungry." Harry greeted.

Louis was impressed that he remembered his kid's names. Harry brought them into the kitchen. It smelled lovely. The table was set and they took a seat.
"I hope you like lasagna." Harry said, sounding unsure.

"They love it. Do you want me to hold her while you take out the food from the oven, or should I take the food out?" Louis offered, awkwardly.

Harry looked surprised but he smiled and handed Louis the baby carefully.
"Thanks. You get so used to doing everything with one hand."

Louis held little Darcy and smiled at her.
"Hi, sweetie. Have you been a good baby and let Papa get some sleep?"

Harry took out the lasagna from the oven.
"She has! That device works like magic. She's not sleeping the whole night but a couple of hours at a time. I feel like a human again. I can't thank you enough."

He set the lasagna on the table and helped Dominic, Elton, and Johannah put food on their plates, cutting up Johannah's into smaller pieces, blowing on it so it wouldn't be too hot. Louis just watched him in wonder. It seemed to come so naturally to him. He just met his kids. Harry fetched some milk and poured their glasses.
"Would you like a glass of wine?" He asked.

"Yeah, why not." Louis smiled. He wasn't used to smiling nowadays. Not genuinely at least.

Harry opened a bottle and picked up two wine glasses and put them on the table before he filled them and took a seat.
"Here, let me take her so you can eat."

"I don't mind holding her. Babies make me happy. They grow up too fast." Louis smiled, not taking his eyes off Darcy.

"I was planning on putting her in the babysitter so we could eat but if you rather hold her, go ahead." Harry smiled in amusement.

"I guess a babysitter is more practical. I don't want to drop food on her." Louis chuckled.

He got up and walked over to the babysitter next to Harry and put her down. He returned to his seat and filled his plate with lasagna and salad.
"Mister Harry. This is really good." Dominic said shyly.

Harry smiled at him.
"Thank you but you can just call me Harry. I bet your dad makes a really good lasagna too."

Elton burst out laughing.

"Hey! Yeah, he has a point. Cooking isn't a skill I mastered but I try me best. This is wonderful, Harry." Louis answered.

Harry just beamed and raised his glass. Louis drank as well before he made sure that Johannah got some food in her tummy and asked Dominic and Elton about their school day. Harry joined in on the conversation and asked the boys about their interests. Elton spent ten minutes talking about astronomy and Harry surprised them by knowing stars and planets as well. Elton was so happy. Harry made sure to talk to Dominic about football as well, dividing his attention between the boys.

When they had eaten Louis helped to clear the table while Harry heated a bottle of formula for Darcy. They headed to the living room. Harry found some toys for Johannah to play with and fed Darcy her bottle.
"So, let's begin to unpack these boxes. Are there some private ones that you don't want us to go through?" Louis asked.

"It's mostly books." Harry smiled.

Louis opened a box and looked inside. He picked it up and carried it to the bookshelves.
"Boys, can you put these on the shelves?"

Dominic and Elton nodded their heads and ran over. They started to unpack books and Louis opened another box, finding more books.

Darcy was done eating. She had fallen asleep so Harry went to put her down in her crib before he came back to unpack boxes as well.
"You have a lot of books!" Louis commented.

"I like to read." Harry stated the obvious.

Louis rolled his eyes playfully and continued to empty boxes. The boys took care of the books. Louis glanced at them and smiled. He looked over at Harry who met his gaze.
"I bet you usually have your books in an alphabetic order." He teased.

"And genre." Harry added.

"Well of course." Louis grinned.

While Harry unpacked glasses Louis opened a new box which contained DVDs. He flipped through some of the titles. It was mainly romantic comedies.
"Where do you want these?"

"In the cabinet over there." Harry answered and tilted his head to his left.

Louis checked on Johannah. She sat still on a blanket playing with the toys Harry had lent her. He lifted the whole box and headed to the cabinet and began to put the DVDs inside. Harry filled his display cabinet with glasses and the boys continued to fill the bookshelves.

Darcy woke up a half hour later and Harry went to get her. He changed her diaper before he put her in a baby carrier so he could tend to her and still unpack boxes. They had been talking the whole time and Louis found himself in a good mood.

Johannah got restless and came over to Louis and made grabby hands so he picked her up and put her on his hip. She rested her head against his shoulder. He checked the time and realized that it was time for her to go to bed.
"Johannah is getting tired. I'm sorry but I have to get going." He informed Harry.

"Of course! Thank you so much for your help. There are only a few boxes left." Harry said with a smile before he turned around and went over to the boys.
"You worked hard. Look at that. All my books are on the shelf. Good job guys!"

Both Dominic and Elton were beaming from the praise.
"Mister, ehm Harry, Dad is taking us to the zoo tomorrow. Wanna come? He can come, right dad? Darcy too." Dominic asked.

Louis was taken aback by that and Harry looked equally surprised.
"Uhm, yeah, of course, but I bet Harry has other plans already."

"Not really, but I mean, I don't want to intrude." Harry answered awkwardly.

"You wouldn't! But, I mean, ehm..." Louis answered equally awkwardly.

"Why are adults so weird?" Elton asked loudly.

That made Louis laugh and Harry joined him. When they managed to calm down Louis tried again.
"It would be great if you and Darcy went to the zoo with us but don't feel like you have to say yes just because my kids invited you."

"We would love to go to the Zoo with you guys." Harry replied simply.

They decided on a time and Louis and his kids went back to their apartment.

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