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Three weeks later Harry had become a natural part of his everyday life. They saw each other every day. They made dinner together, Harry usually being the one who cooked to his children's satisfaction. They loved Harry's food.

It was Friday and he hurried home from work. Harry had picked up his kids early so they were already home. It felt strange to have someone in his life who could do that but he was grateful. Harry had been the one to suggest it, and after he had made sure that it wouldn't be a problem he agreed. To the outside eye, it could look like they were dating or something but that wasn't the case. They were friends. Two single dads who helped each other out. He had taken care of Darcy by himself last week when Harry went to get a haircut. He was just happy to help out. Harry did so much for him and the kids. 

He arrived at home. He had given Harry a spare key. They usually hung out at his apartment. It was bigger and it was easier for Harry to put Darcy to sleep in her baby carriage and then they could spend time just the two of them when his kids were asleep. His kitchen was bigger too and Harry was already making dinner when he stepped into the apartment. He shouted a "hello" and Harry greeted him back. He went to check on his kids first. They were watching a movie in the living room and he gave them a hug. Johannah came with him to the kitchen where he found Harry by the stove. Darcy was lying on a blanket on the floor under the baby gym.
"Is everything okay? Had any problems?" He asked.

"Please, your kids are so well-behaved. No problem at all." Harry smiled.

Johannah ran back to the living room.
"So, how can I help?" Louis asked.

"Make a salad?" Harry suggested.

Louis went to the fridge and found some cucumber, tomatoes, and lettuce. He walked up to the counter, next to Harry and got a cutting board and a knife before he rinsed the vegetables.
"Wanna hear an awesome joke about tomatoes?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Sure." Louis agreed.

"Why are tomatoes the slowest vegetable?" Harry asked.

"Why?" Louis wondered.

"Because they can't ketchup." Harry replied and cackled loudly at his own joke.

Louis just stared at him.
"That was terrible!"

"I have another one. Why was the tomato blushing?" Harry asked, giggling.

"Why?" Louis asked while he started to chop the lettuce.

"He saw the salad dressing." Harry replied and threw his head back in laughter.

Louis' mouth started to twitch and he burst out laughing as well.
"That's even worse!"

"Wait, I have one more. What do you call a really horny tomato farmer with no lube?" Harry asked and didn't wait for Louis' reply before he told him. "Friction till fruition."

He laughed hard at his own joke and Louis joined in. Tears streamed down his face and he clutched his stomach, gasping for air. Dominic and Elton came running into the kitchen.
"What's going on, Dad?" Elton asked.

Louis dried his eyes and calmed down.
"Harry just told me some really bad jokes."

"Hey!" Harry protested and pouted his lower lip.

"Okay." Dominic said and dragged his brother back to the living room. They were both whispering to each other.

Louis made the salad and they set the table together and called for the kids. Darcy started to scream so Louis picked her up.
"Is she hungry?" He asked Harry, looking up at him, catching a glimpse of a fond smile.

"Yeah, I actually prepared her first solid meal. She's six months now. I made some sweet potato purée. I'm just gonna heat it a little." Harry smiled excitedly.

He helped Johannah into her chair before he went to get the food for Darcy. Louis made sure that the kids had food on their plates. Harry returned and Louis handed him Darcy. Harry blew on the food and tasted it to make sure it wasn't too hot.
"Wait, let me get my phone out. You want this documented, trust me." Louis said.

Harry smiled and nodded and Louis fetched his phone and started to record. Harry gave her a spoon and she immediately pulled a face, but she didn't spit it out. Harry giggled and tried again. Louis watched them with a fond smile. Harry looked so happy. He took a couple of pictures as well before he put the phone away and filled Johannah's plate, cutting the meat into small pieces. The boys were already eating.

"So, what are we doing tomorrow?" Elton asked.

Last Saturday Harry had suggested that they would go to the planetarium and Elton hadn't talked about anything else during the week. Harry exchanged a look with Louis and smiled.
"Well, I've wanted to take Darcy to a public indoor swimming pool so she can baby swim, but I've been too nervous to do it alone. Would you like to come with us?"

Louis never took the kids bathing for the same reason. The thought of looking after three kids by himself freaked him out. The boys were screaming "Yes, please Dad!"

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." Louis agreed.

He finally took his first bite of the food that Harry had made and he almost moaned.
"Oh God, this is delicious, Harry!"

"Thanks." Harry beamed. He was done feeding Darcy and put her against his shoulder to burp her before he filled his own plate with food and started to eat.

Louis made sure that Johannah got some food in her tummy as well and they all enjoyed a pleasant dinner. Afterward, he and Harry cleared the kitchen together. Louis got ice cream from the fridge and Harry brought bowls and spoons and they sat down in the living room and watched a Disney movie with the kids. Johannah fell asleep in Louis' lap and he carried her to her bed and closed the door. Harry went to make a bottle for Darcy, leaving her with Dominic.

Louis took his seat on the couch again and smiled at how proud Dominic looked when he was holding Darcy. Harry returned with her bottle just as the movie ended. Dominic gave Darcy to Harry.
"We're going to bed."

"Already? It's Friday." Louis questioned in surprise.

"We're tired. Right Elton?" Dominic asked his brother, shoving an elbow in his side.

"Yes." Elton agreed. Louis looked at them suspiciously. They were up to something.

"Well, alright then. Come on, let's brush your teeth, Elton." Louis said and got up.

Dominic and Elton both gave Harry a good night hug before they headed to the bathroom. Louis tucked them in after a quick toothbrush session and returned to the living room. Darcy had fallen asleep as well, lying in her carriage.
"Beer?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, one can't harm." Harry smiled.

Louis went to the kitchen and fetched them a beer each and handed one over as he came back to the living room and took a seat on the sofa. He took a sip from his beer and noticed that Harry was looking at him. He raised his eyebrows as a question. Harry smiled briefly.
"I just wanna tell you how happy I am that I met you and your kids. You all made my life so much better. I was sad and lonely and exhausted from lack of sleep. I guess I just want to say thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life." He said softly.

Louis's stomach flipped.
"I'm the one who should thank you. I was also lonely and sad, Harry."

Their eyes got stuck and they just stared at each other for a moment before Louis couldn't take it and looked away. Why did he have a feeling that this was turning into something that scared the living hell out of him?

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