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"I want to tell the kids about us." Louis said as he walked into his kitchen to find Harry making dinner as usual.

It had been three weeks since the first time they had sex. Three weeks since they declared their love for each other and it had been the best three weeks of Louis' life.

Harry turned around with a smile.
"Do you think they're ready for that?"

"Yes, and I don't want to sneak around anymore." Louis chuckled.

Harry smiled and caressed his cheek lovingly.
"So how do you wanna do it? Together, or do you talk to them by yourself?"

Louis thought about it.
"I think I should do it by meself, so they feel like they can express whatever they're thinking. I hope that's okay?"

"Of course. That sounds reasonable." Harry smiled and pecked his lips before he returned to the stove.
"I have a job interview tomorrow."

"What? That's amazing!" Louis shouted excitedly.

"Yeah, could you look after Darcy? It's at five." Harry asked and bit his lower lip.

"Of course, love." Louis said softly.

He went to hug him from behind and rested his chin against his shoulder blade. He let go after a while, not wanting the kids to catch them before he could talk to them. He decided to do it after dinner and informed Harry about it.

He had started his new job yesterday and he already loved it. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in the last couple of months. He had Harry to thank for it.

They sat down to eat dinner and went around the table to tell the others about their day, a new tradition they had started. After dinner, the boys went to do their homework and Harry and Louis cleared the table together.
"I'm gonna go to my place so you can talk to them. Okay?" Harry said.

"Yeah, okay." Louis agreed and stole a kiss before they headed to the living room.

Harry picked up Darcy and walked to the hallway.
"Harry? Where are you going?" Dominic questioned.

"Darcy and I are gonna home for a while." Harry smiled.

"Why?" Elton asked.

Harry shared a look with Louis.
"Because I want to have a little chat with you." Louis answered.

"What did we do now?" Dominic wondered.

"Nothing." Louis said and ruffled his hair.

Harry left. Louis picked up Johannah and put her in his lap.
"So, I want to talk to you about Harry and me."

Dominic and Elton gave him his full attention.
"Remember a few months ago when you asked me if Harry is me boyfriend?"

Dominic and Elton nodded their heads.
"I want to tell you that he is me boyfriend now. How do you feel about that?"

"I figured. He sleeps here every night." Dominic said.

Louis wised up. They hadn't been that sneaky apparently.
"I hope you're okay with that?"

"Yeah, he makes you happy Dad and he's nice to us." Dominic answered.

Louis could see that there was something he wasn't saying.
"But? You can be honest, Dominic. I won't get mad."

Dominic bit his lower lip.
"Does this mean that we have to forget about Mum now?"

"Of course not! Mum will always be your mum and we're gonna talk about her as much as you want. I'm sure Harry would love to hear all about her." Louis answered emotionally.

"Will mum be mad in heaven if we love Harry?" Elton asked, opening his mouth for the first time.

Louis' eyes got glossy.
"No, she won't. You can love Harry and still love Mum. It's okay, sweetie."

"So will Harry be our dad too? What should we call him?" Elton asked.

That wasn't a question Louis had thought about.
"Ehm, just call him Harry from now on. I... we... whatever feels natural."

"Can we make him a drawing?" Elton asked.

"He would love to get a drawing from you guys." Louis smiled.

Elton went to his room to get some paper and pens. He handed Johannah a crayon and pointed at the paper and she started to draw stretches. Elton drew as well and Dominic got a pen too and began to write something. Louis smiled at them and picked up his phone to text Harry that he could come back.

He walked to the hallway when he heard the door open and whispered the outcome of the conversation. He hesitated at the last part but told him what Elton had asked as well. Harry looked really emotional.
"They really asked that? That's so sweet. Oh, God, I'm gonna cry. I love your kids, Lou. I hope you know that?"

"I love Darcy too. I hope you know that?" Louis replied softly.

Harry smiled and took Louis' hand in his and they walked into the living room together. All three kids came running up to them.
"Harry? We made you a drawing. We all helped." Elton said shyly and handed him a paper.

Harry handed over Darcy to Louis. He hunched down and looked at the drawing. In the upper left corner, Johannah had made lines with different colors. Dominic had written rainbow underneath it. He looked further down and Elton had drawn a family, two dads and four children. Above it, Dominic had written something.

We love you Harry (and Darcy). Welcome to our family.

Harry absolutely lost it and started bawling his eyes out, taking everyone by surprise.
"Harry?" Louis asked.

Harry handed him the paper and tried to pull himself together. He heard Louis let out a sob as well and glanced at him with a smile on display, just to find Louis crying as well, before he turned to the kids.
"Thank you, guys. That was the best drawing I ever received. I love you too. Can I give you a hug?"

All three of them threw themselves at him and he almost lost his balance. He tried to hug all of them at the same time.
"I think we need to celebrate! Let's go out for ice cream!" Louis suggested which made the kids scream in excitement.

Later that night when they had gone to bed Louis turned to Harry.
"My kids know that you sleep here, or at least the boys know."

Harry burst out giggling.

"Yeah, they're okay with it, but it got me thinking. You hardly spend any time in your own apartment. Do you wanna move in with us? Johannah and Darcy can share a room for now." Louis asked.

"Are you sure?" Harry questioned.

"You live here anyway. Yes, I'm sure." Louis answered.

"I would love to move in with you." Harry replied and they sealed it with a kiss.

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