30 | The Last Place | Jack

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So this is Day 5 of Race and David being held captive. Like said, it escalates quickly from here. That means it's actually going to be good!! Haha. Anyway. Enjoy! :)

"Wait a second, Jack," Spot says suddenly.


"There's one place we haven't looked yet."

They're desperate. Really desperate.

"Oh yeah? Where's that? I feel like I've searched everywhere in all of New York for them, and they ain't there."

"Me too, but we haven't looked everywhere yet."

"Are you telling me you think they're in New Jersey?"

Spot rolls his eyes at Jack's dry sarcasm. "I truly hope you're joking."

"Well, then where do you think they are?" Jack's patience with Spot's newfound allusiveness (is that a word???) is running out.

"It's still in New York."

"Can you just tell me where you think they might be? Please?"

"It's where they threatened to send us after they caught us at Irving Hall."

Jack inhales deeply. "The Refuge."

Spot knows Jack has had bad firsthand experience there. He nods sympathetically. "Yep."

"Except, it doesn't make sense," Jack counters thoughtfully. "The Refuge got shut down."

"That's true," Spot acknowledges. "But if they was hidden there, the Delanceys would know that we knew that the Refuge was shut down, so why would we bother lookin' there?"

Jack's eyes widen. "That is  a good point."

Spot nods. Then he thinks about it for a second. "It's either really obvious or really obscure. But it would be a good strategy. The only problem is I can't tell if it's supposed to be obvious for us to find 'em or obscure so we won't."

"So do the Delanceys want us to find Davey and Race or not?"

Spot throws his arms out. "I truly don't know. I know what I want, though, and that's to finally find 'em, and if that's where they are, then let's go."

"Sure," Jack agrees. "Let's go."

Jack didn't think he would be back here so soon. The building still stands, but after it was emptied of kids, no one has refilled it yet. There's talk of turning it into an orphanage, a well run one at that, but nothing's happened.

Jack and Spot are just outside. Jack looks up, all the way up, and finds the window that David lowered him down in front of what felt like a life time ago to get Crutchie. There are bad memories just from the outside.

Spot turns to Jack. "Are ya ready?"

Jack nods. "Yeah." Then, after taking a deep breath, "follow me."

They're in the very room where all the kids used to sleep, a very cramped space indeed. Just down the hall is the cell Jack stayed in before he made the decision to become a scab. Snyder's old office is even closer.

Wow this place is really giving me the creeps.

It's for Davey and Race, he reminds himself. If this is it, if this is the last place you'll ever have to serach for them, then it's worth it. Entirely.

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