24 | Something's Wrong

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The perspective changes a lot, and it'll be confusing, but it explains everything. So this is how it's going to work. when I put a character's name in bold to show whose perspective it is, there will be a day number. Day 0 = the day when Race and Spot met at sunset. Day 1 = the day after that. Day 2 = the second day after sunset. Enjoy! :)


Day 1 (with flashbacks of Day 0)

Race doesn't want to open his eyes. Yet he does, wearily, and barely takes in his surroundings. He has no clue where he is.

He opens his eyes fully.

He's in a room he doesn't recognize. He's in a chair, his hands and his feet tied together.

And then it comes back to him.

Last night, Race was walking home across the Brooklyn Bridge, happy as could be.

After he crossed, he heard someone somewhere say "psst" behind him It was so dark, he couldn't tell at first who it was, let alone where they were. He turned around, trying to figure out where that voice was coming from.

That's when he sees Oscar Delancey with a club.

That's the last thing he saw before he had a splitting pain on the side of his head, before he crumbled to the ground, before everything went dark.

So he never did make it back to the lodge.

He tries tugging a little, trying to loosen the rope around his hands. It's not working.

Race has no idea where he is. He doesn't see any windows, and the only door visible is fully closed and on the other side of the room.

He sighs in defeat. This was not how I wanted today to go.

"Happy, Racetrack?"

His head snaps up.

There's Oscar, smiling wide.

"Whaddaya want from me?" Race snaps. "I never did anything to deserve this, did I?"

"Oh, Race." Oscar gets right up in his face. "This isn't just about you."

And with that, the wretched Delancey leaves, locks the door, and leaves Race alone again.

That's when Race figures it out.

Was he...talking about Spot?

Did they somehow get found out?

No matter what, if Race is here to lure Spot in...this can't be good.

And things were going so well yesterday when the sun was setting.


Day 1

True to his word, David wakes up bright and early, gets Les up as well, gets dressed and eats breakfast, and heads straight for the circulation center.

I can ask Jack how it went last night with Race, David thinks. I hope it went okay. Race doesn't seem like the kind to hold a grudge forever-forever.

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