28 | Still Seeking | Spot

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Why the heck did I start listening to a super upbeat song when I know that this chapter isn't going to have the happy bit? Ah well. It'll motivate me haha. I hope...(If anyone is wondering, it's called Running by Gaho, written specifically (at least I think so) for a show on Netflix called Start-Up...10/10--both the show and the song). Anyway. Enjoy! :)

First thing in the morning, Spot meets Kid Blink, and Mush at the end of the Brooklyn Bridge. Last night, they made a plan to search where they haven't before, and meet up at lunch. Jack is searching for David and Race with Les and Crutchie, who were more insistent this morning apparently. Well, more eyes and ears and ideas are better.

"So where did you guys search yesterday?" Blink asks.

"What felt like all over Brooklyn," Mush responds.

Spot waves that away. "We searched a good amount. We'll spend only a little bit more time here, and if we still have absolutely no sign of any of 'em, we go to Queens. See if they've seen somethin'."

"Why didn't you guys go to any of the boroughs yesterday?" Blink asks Spot.

Spot doesn't want to admit that he and Jack agreed to keep it quiet because not only do they not know the full story, they'd also have to explain one of what they think one of the Delanceys motives might be--exploiting them. So, until they have a clear picture, the least information that gets out, the better. Not to mention that for the first two days they had no idea how serious it was; for all they knew, David and Race could just be late or have other matters to attend to. Now, Spot knows that Jack and Race and the rest trust the two hopeless lovebirds called Blink and Mush, so he explains some, but not all, of why he and Jack agreed to keep it quiet.

"That makes sense," Mush comments.

See? He gets it.

"Did you guys check Sheepshead?" Blink asks.

"Actually, we didn't," Spot admits.


"I didn't see Race go there in the two days when we didn't know what was going on," Spot explains. "I didn't think that it'd be a place to search, if Race was bein' held captive and everything."

"Well, maybe we could check it out," Blink suggests.

"Maybe we could find something," Mush agrees.

"Okay," Spot goes with their idea, "let's go then."

Spot hasn't been inside Sheepshead Races himself in a long time. Over the years, sure, he's accompanied Race a few times, but never on his own. This kind of gambling isn't really his thing. It's Race's life, though. So he'll gladly listen to Race go on and on about the races for hours, a hundred times over.

What I wouldn't give to find out this was just a really, really intense nightmare, and I'll find Race inside, betting once again on number four, making fun of me for worrying so much, and walking away completely happy. 

And yet he knows that that's not how this story is going to go.

The three walk inside. As usual, it's full of people, coming in before the first race starts. So many people. All milling about, talking, exchanging bets, the richer ones acting like typical stuck-up aristocrats. The normal crowd.

Spot scans the boxes hopefully, just hoping to catch a glimpse of Race's deep brown eyes, his usual smirk, his brown vest over a long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a cigar in mouth, anything. Except...there's nothing. No one who looks like Racetrack Higgins.

This Ain't Just Newsies No More ~ Sprace & Javidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें