43 | Our Happy Ending

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Oh my gosh it's now second in Sprace. Will I, for the first time ever, get a story to #1? 

Edit: it's #1 in Javid right now :)

This. This is the last "official" chapter. I say "official" because I'm gonna end with two epilogues like how I started out with two prologues. This has a jumpy perspective, but at least I say who's perspective it is. Anyway. Enjoy! :)


Race gets his papers and heads to Sheepshead nearly immediately. The sun is high, the headline sounds like it can sell, and he has a hot tip on number four. It's a really hopeful start to the day.

The thing is, now he thinks less and less of what happened nearly a month ago. When he was kidnapped. True, that experience is going to stick with him forever. But now it's not a constant thought. And when he's having a particularly bad day and terrible memories swamp him, Spot's there for him. Spot's always there for him.

Race looks through the papers, trying to see if there's anything in particular that catches his eye. He should have at least some headline prepared when he gets to Sheepshead.

But then he gets there and finds out that there's some delay at the track. The races won't start until midafternoon now.

Muttering curses under his breath, he paces, trying to figure out what he wants to do. Wait around here for a few hours, or do something else.

He opts for the latter.

And he knows exactly where he wants to go.


Race opens the door and calls out, "Buongiorno a tutti!"

He gets a bunch of "buongiorno's" back, from people everywhere.

Race has been coming frequently, and nearly daily, to La Casa Degli Italiani, as he has begun to refer to it in his head. The House of the Italians. He's integrated so well into their little world that some have even begun to insist that he should be less formal with them. That may take more time for Race, but at least everyone here seems to like him.

"Race!" and with that sudden exclamation Bartolomeo is already hugging Race around the waist. 

"Bartolomeo!" Race chuckles. "Come va?"

"Bene, grazie. E tu?"

Race looks up and sees his grandfather walking towards him. He smiles. "Molto bene."

After Bartolomeo breaks away from Race and moves along to do his own thing, Race and his grandfather hug.

"È bello vederti, Antonio."

"Sì, Nonno."

"Antonio, vieni qui." That would be his grandmother.

"Buon giorno, Nonna." Race gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"Perché sei in anticipo?" she asks curiously. "Le gare sono adesso. Stai ancora giocando?"

She remembered that he likes going to Sheepshead to gamble, and that the races would have begun by now.

Race smiles. "Sì.

He knows she isn't particularly fond of gambling.

Goodnaturedly, she wags her finger at him and scolds him. "Vergognatevi!"

This Ain't Just Newsies No More ~ Sprace & Javidحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن