10 | Redeemed | David

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Wowwww I am SO original with titles haha. Trust me, "Betrayed" and "Redeemed" are the last bad titles you all will see...hopefully. These next few chapters are going to be really wishy washy perspectives, but hey, I have to keep readers on their toes! Well, actually, I don't know how much I can keep readers on their toes if they don't comment gosh darn it! ;) Ok I do know that there are a thousand reasons why people don't (or can't) comment. So, I'll just have to take a leap of faith and hope that you all like this story. Enjoy! :)

David hears yelling.

Familiar-sounding yelling.


He's been absentminded all morning, but now he's in clear focus. Now isn't the time to mope about Jack or what could have been the future of the strike, now's the time to find his sister and brother, fast.

(Warning: violence (I can't write anything too too violent but it should still be a warning))

There's an alleyway nearby. David starts running as the voices are clearer inside that alleyway.

"DAVID, RUN!" Sarah shouts at him frantically, hugging Les close to her.

Before David can fully register the sentence he sees a Delancey brother in his peripheral vision and a flash of bronze before he feels it connect with his face. He staggers backwards. And then he takes another hit.

"We told Jack we'd soak you so bad ya couldn't walk," is whispered in David's ear.

"NO!" Sarah shouts, but she can't do anything from where she is, keeping Les from being beaten up as well.

David's head spins a little as his vision blurs a little. He tries to fight back, but the blows are too fast and too hard.

And for just a second, David wonders what would happen if this continued until he loses consciousness for good.


Something feels different in the air. Maybe the air just feels different in fancy clothes. Does this also mean that summer won't stink and winter's not waiting? Except that's not what this is.

He's carrying his papers, until he hears shouting from an alleyway. He'd recognize those voices anywhere.

Sarah. Les.


Jack drops the papers without a second thought and takes off running. Nothing else matters.

"STOP!" he hears Sarah shout. He sees David and the Delanceys practically on top of him.

Jack doesn't stop to think. He grabs the back of Oscar's shirt and yanks him up and punches him good and hard in the face. He grabs Morris and gives him a similar treatment. He gets David out of the way as he stands over the Delanceys lying on the ground to make a statement.

"You won't ever touch them," Jack growls in their faces. "Any of them. Ever. Or you wanna know what happens?" he lowers himself to their ear level. "I won't be as kind as today."

He stands up and lets them shoot up and snarl in his face and tell him you're done, Cowboy! or whatever other mundane insult they can come up with. He knows that he bested them, and they know that too. He watches them leave.

Absolutely no one will ever harm David or Les or Sarah.

Jack inhales and exhales deeply. Then, he turns around to face the Jacobs siblings he just saved.

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