2 | Selling Partner | David

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I promise there will be more perspectives than just Race and David. So I ended the last chapter at night but this is before that, so sorry that the continuity is a little messed up, and also sorry I kinda skipped over the day from Jack and David's perspective it's just that I don't wanna write the movie again and this is where I want to begin the Javid. Enjoy! :)

David absolutely loved Medda's performance. Now they're back at his house, eating dinner with Jack Kelly. His parents seem to like him. That's a relief; now David has an excuse to bring him over again.

While they begin to eat cake his father presents a toast to them , and to the future. "But remember, once I'm back at work, you're going back to school," he reminds David.

David's heart sinks a little. He knows that that is probably what will happen. And yet...

Before he can protest, he starts at the sound of Les talking. He knows Les is alseep. Then he processes what Les is saying--singing, rather.

"Cootchie coo with me..." Les sings sleepily before fading out.

Jack and David exchange glances and laugh.

"Boys? What is this?" David's mother asks lightheartedly.

David can't answer. He's too wrapped up in the way Jack looked at him, and how it made his heart flutter.

After they finish eating cake, Jack and David go out on the balcony. David wants to stay there forever, if it means that he can stare at Jack while Jack is giving him that amazing expression all night long in comfortable silence.

David takes time to think about all that's happened today. He started his first day of being a newsie, got temporarily mixed up with a fight between the newsies and scabbers, learned that many newsies lie about the headlines, ran away from an authority figure of high power and stature, watched a show performed by a very pretty Swedish woman...and through it all, Jack was there, right along side him. Sure, Les had been there; but as siblings, that was kind of a given. With Jack...it just felt...different.

David doesn't know what he thinks of it entirely. But what he does know is that he had fun today, and that was because Jack was there.

He wants to contemplate this for sometime. If he had time.

"So what didya think of Medda?" Jack asks suddenly.

"Oh, I loved the show," David says, snapping out of his reminsicing.

"We should go to her shows more often, just you an' me," Jack suggests, with that coy little grin of his.


"With Les?" David blurts out, then mentally curses himself. Without Les. Come on, David.

"Oh." Jack glances away, then back. David can feel his face burning. "Yeah, if you wanna bring him."

"It's just that he liked the show too," David mumbles an explanation.

Why can't I be good with words THE ONE TIME I need to be?!

Jack nods slowly.

David has ruined the moment. He can feel it.

"Well, I love the idea," David tries to make up for it. "With or without Les."

I saved it, didn't I? I totally saved it.

"Yeah," Jack says, but David still thinks he might have lost him again.

I totally messed it up, didn't I?

Before he can ponder it for too long, Jack moves away from the edge. "I better get goin' back," he tells David.

"Maybe you could stay the night?" David asks hopefully. I'm not coming off as too pushy or clingy, am I?

"Thanks for the offer, but not tonight," Jack answers politely. He shakes David's hand. "See ya tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," David replies. "Carryin' the banner."

"Carrying the banner," Jack echoes, smiling. He lets go of his hand, leaving David standing there.

And as Jack goes off and disappears into the night, David contemplates all he ever knew about the world around him, and all the inner turmoil that goes on inside him.

How's that?

I really projected on to David. And I've recently had a gay panic moment, so I was able to write David as having an existenal crisis and hopelessly gay and crushing on his new friend, because on the balcony in the movie he was trying too hard. Like, really. So, I combined movie canon and my very disaster bi self...and hope I did them justice. 

I don't think I have many more notes. Comment, please. More's coming up soon, and it'll be better written. Stay tuned. Enjoy it all. :)

Please, no homophobia, profanites, hate etc in the comment section.


~Your Beloved Author (who is introducing Blush into this really soon :) just wait and see)

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