38 | Care For You | Race

517 17 33

I don't care how close those titles were. I just needed to use different words so they weren't very close variations. Anyway. Enjoy! :)

"The first thing we're doing," Spot decides, "is getting you food."

"Food sounds good."

"Oh, and water."

"Ooh! I like the sound of that too!"

"Then we head back to our lodging house in Brooklyn."

"Uh huh."

"We get you some fresh clothes to change into."


"Then I make sure you rest real well."

"You're only sayin' that because of some bags under my eyes I can't see, aren't ya?"


"I'm only jokin'! Do ya know how hard it is to sleep in a wooden chair?"

"No I don't." Pause. "And I don't want you to. Ever again. I wish you never experienced it in the first place."

"Hey." Race looks Spot in the eye. "It wasn't your fault. And it's over. It's over, Spot. We'll never deal with those people ever again."

"I should be the one comfortin' you," Spot says. "Not the other way around."

Race doesn't have too much to say to that, so he just lets them walk in silence until they find something else to talk about.

The Brooklyn Bridge is in sight. They still have some walking to do. But they're used to walking.

"Do you want to find any small diner 'round here, or can ya wait to a real good one in Brooklyn?" Spot asks.

"I can last till Brooklyn," Race answers confidently.

"You sure? I don't want to push your limits."

"Limits? Nah. I'm invincible." he then feels his knees buckle a little. That's never a good sign.

"Nearby diner it is," Spot concludes.

They're able to find a small diner really close to the Bridge.  Spot tells Race to order whatever he wants. Race just hopes Spot can pay for it.

"Price ain't a worry," Spot assures him. "It's quality food in your system I'm worried about."

Very quickly, they're able to order, and are served their food. Spot ends up giving most of what's on his plate to Race. He needs it.

Food, glorious food.

Race savors every bite. He almost had forgotten how good it felt to eat.

Spot waits patiently for Race to finish. "Ready to go?"

Race nods and they get up.

Spot takes Race's hand. "Time to go to Brooklyn."

Race doesn't think he's ever been inside the Brooklyn lodging house before. It's different, to say the least, than the lodging house in Manhattan. The entrance and right inside look the same. Except everything here is bigger. Spot gives him a quick tour.

"Come up here." Spot takes him up the stairs. "Here's my room."

Well how about that, Race muses. King of Brooklyn gets a whole room to himself.

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