13 | We Won

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Now THIS is an omniscient chapter. Like, it sees into many minds. I love writing this style it's so much fun. Or maybe I'm just an INFP who loves seeing from different perspectives all at once. I'll probably put a space to indicate a major shift in perspective. Anyway. THIS IS IT! Enjoy! :)

"WE BEAT 'EM!" Jack shouts for everyone to hear.

And everyone goes wild.

If anyone thought that Irving Hall was as loud as it could get, deafening even, well... no one is going to walk out of this with perfect hearing ever again probably.

Jack sets Les back on the ground. David hugs him and Jack fully embraces the hug. They're happy. They are both incredibly happy.

Spot and Race smile at each other, cheering too. They hug. Then, realizing what they've done, they pull apart quickly, cheeks red. Eyes averted. Then they go back to look at each other. Race offers the first shy small smile, which Spot returns.

Kid Blink pulls Mush down and kisses him, hiding their mouths behind his newsies cap. Not that anyone cares.

Sarah pushes her way through the crowd. She makes her way over to Jack and David and Les and hugs them all, grinning from ear to ear.

Before anything else happens, David sees Snyder lurking in the distance. He's not the only one.

"Jack! Jack! It's Snyder! RUN!" a chorus from David, Les, Race, Blink, and more shout at him, pushing him away.

Not again.

Jack almost thought everything was going okay. He tries to make a run for it.

Denton catches him arm. "Jack, it's over."

"Whaddaya doin'? It's Snyder! He's gotta run!" a chorus of protests go out.

"No!" Denton begins to explain. "You don't have to run anymore. Not from him."

In all the confusion, they didn't see Snyder being handcuffed, nor did they see the carriage with refuge kids being brought out until now.

And there they unload, and then...there's Crutchie.

"Crutchie!" Jack exclaims and runs up to hug him.

"How ya doin', Crutch?" and "Hey look it's Crutchie!" and more go around. Everyone's glad that their favorite guy with a crutch is back.

"Oh, Jack, ya should've seen it!" Crutchie exclaims, grinning ear to ear. "'E comes stormin' in, wavin' his walkin' stick around like a sword, and then he--"

"Who, Crutchie?" Jack laughs.

"Well, ya know. Your friend." Crutchie points out into the distance. "Him!"

And standing right there is Governor Roosevelt.

The man whose carriage Jack rode on the back on.

"Is that Teddy Roosevelt?" Race whispers to Spot in awe.

There's a lot of other excited murmuring going around, "Roosevelt" heard everywhere in all decibles.

"I think so," Spot whispers back, also awestruck. He wants to hold Race's hand. He keeps glancing at Race, who is standing right behind Jack and Denton, Denton explaining everything. Spot barely catches a word. He's too busy trying to get Race to look at him again, but Race is entranced by Roosevelt being here.

Just like how he was with Medda, Spot muses to himself. He sighs. Oh well.

Everyone is happy at the sight of Snyder is being led off in the same thing that brought the refuge kids back. The thought of Snyder in jail makes them get all excited.

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