27 | Search | Jack

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Okay we're moving along here! Quick note: this chapter takes place on the same day as the end of chapter 24, and all of 24 and 25; so two days after the sunset chapter. It's in between noon and pre-evening. I'm saying that to help me, and to help you all with what the chronological order of time is. Anyway. Enjoy! :)

"Let us help," Mush (with Blink standing by his side) says to Spot and Jack.

"No," Jack tells him. "You two need to stay here-"

"We wanna help get our friends back too!" Blink protests.

"Come on, Jack," Spot puts in, "it may be useful having two extra brains and pairs of eyes helping us."

Jack sighs. "You do have a point."

Now that Jack and Spot have a sort-of idea of why Race and David were taken, they're trying to find places that would make most sense to keep them. And, naturally, word gets around quickly. So, Blink and Mush insisted on joining their search party for Race and David.

"We wanna help too!" Les pipes up, with Crutchie right behind him.

"You two need to stay close to here," Jack tells them. "If you guys see anything, anything, that might help, find us, or at least someone who can find us. Can you do that for me?"

He understands that Les just wants his brother back and Crutchie would do literally anything for anyone, he wouldn't forgive himself if something bad happened to either of them.

Jack internally sighs with relief as they both reluctantly nod understandingly and walk away.

He turns back to the odd group he has right here; him, Spot, Kid Blink, and Mush.

What a bunch of queer newsies we are.

"Let's go over the plan," he says.

"We split into two groups," Spot starts. "One in Brooklyn, one in Manhattan. We go through all possible spots-" ("spots," Blink snickers to Mush, who laughs along with him. Spot glares at them pointedly) "-where they could be held up."

"If we've checked every possible spot, we move on to another borough," Mush continues.

"And no matter what, we meet back up at the Brooklyn Bridge by sunset," Blink finishes.

Spot winces a little bit at sunset. Jack tries to shoot him a sympathetic glance. He doesn't blame Spot for not like that word, since sunset was the last time he saw Race, before everything else happened.

"Okay," Jack says. "I'll start in Manhattan. Blink, you're with me. Spot, you and Mush start in Brooklyn. And hopefully, when we meet up when the sun sets, we've had found 'em by then."

Spot nods and with that he and Mush start heading to Brooklyn.

I just hope that Race and Davey are being kept in the same place, Jack thinks. This is gonna be a lot harder if they're in different places.

That's another thing to consider in this search of theirs.

I hope we come back successful. Because... he doesn't want to finish this thought. And yet he does. Because there is no way the Delanceys can win, especially when it comes to Davey and Race's lives.

"Come on, Blink," Jack says. "Let's begin."



The walk across the Brooklyn Bridge was mostly a subdued silence, both deeply troubled by the idea of their friends being taken.

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