35 | Surprise!

496 20 102

AAHH I'M EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!! There really is no true perspective. THIS ONE IS REALLY FUN! Enjoy! :)

No one in the room knows what's going on.

There's a sound out there, all right. It's faint, but it's growing louder.

Now they can finally strain to hear it.

"When you got a hundred voices singing..."

Wait a second.

"...who can hear a lousy whistle blow?"

The chant grew louder as the voices grew closer.

Many voices.

Belonging to so many people that the ceiling shook.

"And the world will know!"

And hurdling down the stairs comes an uncountable number of newsies, led by Kid Blink, Mush, and Crutchie with his crutch high overhead.

"NEVER FEAR!" Kid Blink shouts, grinning ear to ear.

"THE NEWSIES ARE HERE!" Mush finishes cheerfully.

"YES!" Jack, Spot, and Race collectively shout.

As newsies come streaming in, the fight between newsies and the bad guys begins. Crutchie and Jack move still-unconscious David out of the way.

In all the suddenness and surprise, Oscar lets go of Race. First thing Race does is turn around and punch that scabber right in the eye. 

Chaos breaks out.

There are Manhattan newsies and Brooklyn newsies everywhere.

"How in the world didya pull this off?" Jack asks Kid Blink and Mush while they're fighting different people.

"Well Jack, ya need connections," Kid Blink replies as he's throwing punches.

"Everyone loves you and Spot," Mush adds, ducking away from someone swinging an arm at him.

"Not to mention how much they hate these guys!" Boots pipes up from lying on the floor, getting a Delancey to trip over him. Watching Morris lose his balance and fall while accidentally walking into Boots is so worth it.

A few feet away, Race exclaims, "Woah, Spot, who are these?!"


"Those Brooklyn newsies!" Race points wildly at three tall ripped newsies in red shirts with straps for sleeves who are giving Weasel a hard time together. "They'se look like they'se from Brooklyn, at least."

"Yeah, they are." Spot kicks Morris, who is still lying on the floor. A casual tone, and a casual hard kick to a stomach.

"It's just I'se never seen 'em before." 

He doesn't spend too much time contemplating it.

Back where Jack is, he asks aimlessly, "so how did you guys find us?"

"We followed you," Mush replies. "We stayed outside."

"And we kept waiting for you to come back out, but you didn't," Kid Blink adds.

"Wait." Jack looks around. "Where's Les? I don't think I've seen him here."

"That's cause he ain't here," Crutchie tells him. "Ya really thought we'd bring a little kid here? He was with me, we was still searchin' for Race and Davey, then Mush comes runnin' up to us, tells us he and Blink found you all, and we need to get the newsies together, fast. We all go out in different directions to spread the word and got here as fast as we could, with as many people as we could."

This Ain't Just Newsies No More ~ Sprace & Javidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें