Besides, if they couldn’t enjoy times like thesw with each other without it always leading to sex, they were only developing a 'lustship' not a 'relationship'. Lust eventually withers, but love is forever. 

"Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes shine when I kiss you?" Raphael said in almost as whisper as he gazed lovingly at her. 

Tami giggled. "No. But it's something I could get used to." 

"Already done," he mumbled as he dipped his head to kiss her again, but the blaring sound of his ringtone interrupted him. He declined the call without even looking who it was, since he knew it was either work or Mrs. Garcia. And Mrs. Garcia was gone to visit her family, so he knew it wasn’t her. 

He continued kissing Tami slowly but his phone rang again, and again, and again. 

"Just take it." Tami sighed as she pulled away. But Raphael being the stubborn man he is, shook his head in refusal. 

"They can wait." 

"But they won't stop," she insisted as she grabbed the phone and waved it in front of his face. 

Just as he thought. The general freaking manager. How is this man twice his age? 

With a sigh, he took the phone from her and gazed at her apologetically. 

"It's okay. It's only a call," Tami assured him, quickly pecking his lips before he took the call. 

He ventured a couple feet away into the open beach as he spoke on the phone. Tami giggled ever so often when he would pinch the bridge of his nose, then bark something to the person on the line. 

She couldn’t help but admire how sexy he looked with his toned chest and arms that were naked from all clothes, glistening in the hot sun as it beat down on him. His beach shorts hung dangerously low on his waist, and even though he was facing the open sea, she could see the brush of the wind through his short hair as he held the phone to his ear. 

She couldn’t help herself. She had to snap a picture, and that she did. 

He looked like a model and he wasn’t even trying. Tami took multiple without him even noticing, and then she took a moment to look at each one. The empty beach as a background gave the pictures a perfect touch, and she quickly turned so her back was facing him, and took a selfie of herself with him in the background. 


Smiling widely at the picture as if it was a million dollars, she saved it as her screensaver as she popped a grape in her mouth. 

The cool morning filled her with tranquilly as she watched the gentle water crash on the coast as the waves rolled in. 

After being with Raphael for almost a month, Tami  never realized that she hadn’t been to the beach, and she was literally obsessed with beaches. 

However she remembered that they didn’t go out much, as they were still trying to keep her in hiding until she went home. So normal things that couples do like going out on a dinner date, going to petting zoos and accompanying each other to grocery shopping simply had to wait. But Raphael never made her grow bored or feel like she's missing out. 

Everything they did together at his house was far better than what Tami would've experienced if they went out. 

Still, Raphael knew of this beach and due to its location, barely anyone ever comes here. So he thought it would’ve been the perfect place to take her and it was only a few miles away from his house to the south. They could literally see his mansion sitting on the coast from where they were at the beach. 

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