Chapter Twelve: 63

Start from the beginning

"But that's perfect. We just need to find this brother, and take him out. Tyler will crumble, and then we take out BrickStone." It was a perfect plan.

"Here's the problem. This kid is a ghost, he is only found when he wants to be found. He was an assasin, but he quit. Poor kid probably has dozens of marks on him, just for being a Patel." I had to feel sorry for the boy, but he was an automatic target. 

"And we're stuck here, in case you've forgotten. There are guards everywhere, security has been doubled. Also- Oh no." Collin began to twitch and thrash.  We ran over to him. 

"He needs real medical attention Elise. Knock on the door, page someone, anything!" She yelled. Collin's face was turning blue, he was suffocating. I pressed one and paged Tyler. 

"Tyler, I need your help, please! Collin has stopped breathing, and we don't know what to do!" I shouted through the phone, after he answered. 

"What will you give me in return?" He asked and I hesitated.  I didn't know what to say.

"The location of four different criminals, is that okay?" He didn't respond, and I started to panic a little bit. 

"Deal. I'll have a team of Medics up there in a second, write down those names." I smiled at Mark, and he sighed in relief. At least I knew we were upstairs. The door burst in, and three medics ran in. They pushed in a stretcher, and immediately began working on Collin. Mark hugged Maya tightly, and I walked over to the door. Tyler walked through, and nearly crashed into me.  He swung me around, and pushed me into the bathroom. He locked the door and faced me. 

"I want the names, and I want them now. If I find out any of these are fake, I'll kill Collin with my own bare hands. Got it Silver?" I nodded, and he handed me a piece of paper and pen. I quickly wrote down the names, and some addresses.  He smiled in satisfaction, and shoved me into the counter. It was a struggle not to fight back. 

"I know you're holding back Elise. I know how much you hate me, want to kill me. Have you given me a number yet? Go on, tell me." I shook my head, and he whispered in my ear. 

"Good. Because by the time you pull a gun out at me, I'll have already shot you twice." He walked out of the bathroom. That was too close for comfort. 

"NO! What do you mean, try again!" I heard Tyler yell. I ran to see him standing over Collin's body. What happened to 'I don't care if he lives or dies'? I heard the long drawl of a heartbeat monitor, and mine nearly stopped. No.  I went to run over, but Mark caught me and yanked me back. 

"Collin? Collin wake up, wake up Collin! You need to get to Emily, she needs you! Wake up!" I screamed. I was met with silence, and broke out of Mark's grip.  Running over, I felt for a pulse. Nothing. 

"No! No! No! Collin listen to me, you're so much stronger than this! Just come back Buddy, come back!" I felt tears, and brushed them away. Collin was like my annoying little brother, we were close. 

"Miss, you need to step away. I'm very sorry, but he's gone." One of the medics said. I glared at him, and stroked Collin's cheek.  I whispered in his ear. 

"Emily loves you, she wanted me to tell you that." It was one last try. He didn't respond, and his skin was cooling fast.  I was slung over a shoulder, and hit thier back. The color of the t-shirt meant it was Tyler, and I didn't want to break his spine. I just laid there, limply, and fought back tears.  I saw the floor change, where were we going?

"Listen Lise, I'm sorry about Collin. I liked him just as much as you did, but he's gone. I need to put you in isolation, because you're about to snap."  What was he talking about? We stopped at a door, and then I saw white floor. He dropped me on the ground, and looked around confused. A padded cell? 

"No, please don't do this Tyler, I'm not crazy! This will be worse for me, don't do this!" He ignored me. He turned to leave, and I jumped on his back. I was not staying in here.

"Elise! Listen to me, now! You need to be alone, you have put away your feelings for too long! I want you to feel something, sadness at losing Collin, anger at me, anything! I'll be back in four days, food will be given to you from the compartment in the wall. I'm sorry." He smashed me into the wall, and I collpased. Tyler left the room and shut the door, and I heard it lock. Looking around in despair,  I knew I was trapped. 

"TYLER! LET ME OUT, PLEASE!" I screamed. I couldn't tell where the door really was, so I began to pound on the walls, which made no noise. I sat down in defeat, and put my head in my hands. This was such a strange thing to do, and I didn't understand. Laying down, I settled in the corner, might as well sleep it out. 


"Hey twerp, happy sixteenth birthday!" I smiled, and handed him an egg sandwich. I checked the date, May 2nd. Mine was tomorrow, but Bradley didn't know that. 

"How do I get to celebrate it this year? Can we go to the amusement park Lise, please!" He looked like a little puppy. I laughed and nodded. 

"By the way, I have something for you Brad." I reached into my pocket and grabbed an ASP pistol. I handed it to him, and he flipped it over. 

"Oh sweet, thanks Elise. Oh, it says something! 'Shrimp Twerpington'. He laughed and gave me a hug..

"Hey Brad, what's your last name, if I might ask." He shrugged. 

"I'll tell you my last name when you tell me your real name." He had caught me there. I pursed my lips. 

"I bet it's something like Shufflebottom, or Hunt. Oh, I bet your first name is Mike!" I teased, and he giggled. I reached up and ruffled his hair, and we opened the front door. 

"Elise, if I tell you what letter it starts with, will you never guess my last name again?" He asked sweetly, and I nodded. 

"It starts with a P."

A.N. Sorry about the late upload, I'll try to be faster. If you don't get the joke, say Mike Hunt out loud, fast. Not in front of your parents though.

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