«42» The Arrival

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❦︎𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅❦︎

Me and Y/N started preparing ourselves as the night will come to meet HER..... I sighed angrily and tried to keep my composure as Y/N gently hugged me tight. "It's alright Mono.... As long as were together, nothing will stop us" She gave me a hopeful smile, I chuckled and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "You really know how to calm me down, my dear..." "Of course I do!" She giggled, the Teacher approached us and said the Hunter is waiting for us in the front door, but before we could leave the Teacher gave us a big ol hug, "Good Luck you two, make sure to look out for each other...." She said, we nodded and say our goodbyes  as we went out.

"Are you ready?..." The Hunter said, we agreed and the Hunter lead the way as we followed him. A few minutes passed and we arrived at the beach as we saw a well prepared boat for the shore. The Hunter first let Y/N in and so did I, the Hunter pushed the boat and quickly got in as we rowed down to the shore. After minutes on rowing down the waters, I looked to the waters and saw my reflection of Thin man and quickly shook it off, "What's wrong Mono?..." "N-Nothing my dear, Im just.... Nervous...." I felt a hand holding it tight and tried to comfort me, I smile towards Y/N and lean beside her....

"Thin man...." The Hunter nudged me, I woke up and so did Y/N, "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep, did we arrive?..." The Hunter nodded, he pointed out his finger and said, "We're  here...." Me and Y/N looked behind us as we saw the maw..... My eyes widen as my eyes starts to flash bad memories about her, I quickly shook it off and sighed. The Hunter departed and we both got off, "I'll be waiting out here for you..." "If there's any intrusion out here you know what to do...." He nodded and loaded his shotgun.

I took a deep breathe as I held Y/N's hand, I looked at her and we both ready ourselves and entered the maw...

«??? POV»

"My lady....He has finally arrived....But he is not alone...." The Janitor said to me, I took a sip of the finest wine and chuckled...

"I see.... Well let's prepare a special banquet for Mono and his new friend....Im sure they wont regret it....Now go!...." "Y-yes my lady..." He quickly moved out, I finished my wine as I gently put the wine glass on the table... "Let's how you've improved....MONO...." As I snapped my fingers and shattered the wine glass....

❦︎𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅❦︎

We walked through the hallways as we could see the guest filling themselves with greasy foods, Y/N looked away for she couldn't even stand it, I held her tightly and told her that everything will be fine and gave her a gentle smile, she smile back but we quickly moved on and tried to avoid the guests contact towards us. As we moved on, a Janitor stopped us and spoke, "Are you Mono?..." "Yes....Why do you ask?..." I said as I glared him. "Lady Six is waiting for you....Please follow me..." He lead the way as we followed him, on our way there, I kept remembering those atrocious memories of her, I kept Y/N close to me as I growled quietly....

We went upstairs and I could see her shadows...."Whatever you do....Do not act up...." Thin man reminded me through my mind, I sighed and kept my composure as we finally arrived,
"So we meet again....Old friend....." As I could see the lady sitting down with a ghastly smile..... "Indeed so, SIX......"

☽︎¿𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑨𝒕 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆?☾︎ (Mono x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now