Chapter 1

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I got off the train with a sigh as I saw my older sister, Taylor Swift, on her iPhone wanting for me. I'm just a 12 year girl with blonde hair, blues eyes, and people say I look like her. I have short hair so I guess we kind of do now but it hurts to know people think I look like Taylor Swift.

I have never met my older sister but I've seen her onstage. Rarely does she ever visit us and when she does I plan to have a slumber party at my friends house. Now, I have no excuse. Why do I not like Taylor? She's a famous person who doesn't even like to visit her own family!

I know for a fact that she doesn't want me here and is probably really stuck up. Now, of course, her fans say she isn't but she might be. Who knows? I've never met her before! Taylor sees me and waves with a huge smile on her face.

It's probably a fake one. I sigh again and walk towards her just wanting to take a comfortable nap. Sleeping on a train is anything but fun. "Ready to go?" Taylor asks me with her same smile.

"If I have to," I groan and she does a little laugh. Fans adore her for it but I have a feeling it's going to get so old. I quietly follow her to the car that I will be driving in for the rest of my life.

"Smile a little sis!" Taylor says which makes me frown even more then I should.

"Don't call me that," I snap and Taylor gets a hurt look on my face. I can't help it! She hasn't been a sister to me for 10 years and never will. I roll my eyes and continue to follow her.

"Isn't Nashville so pretty?" Taylor asks with a smile and a twinkle in her eye. I roll my eyes.

"I've only been in the train station how would I know?" I ask and roll my eyes again. Taylor sighs and shakes her head.

"You've never been to Nashville before? Mom used to live here," Taylor said and I rolled my eyes and shook my head not wanting to speak. See, our mom and dad got divorced and I live with my mom. I only see my dad a couple times a year. I lived in Rhode Island and my dad lives there too but far away.

My iPhone beeped and I check it seeing that I got a text from my mom. I unlock my phone and see what she needs.

Mom: Did you find Taylor yet? Everything good?

I shake my head and start to reply.

"Mom?" Taylor asks and I nod. "She texts me all the time but you'll get use to it."

Me: Yeah I did. Thanks for abandoning me with her.

I sigh as my iPhone beeps again and it's my mom, again.

Mom: Ali, be nice to Taylor okay? She's you big sister and loves you.

I shut my iPhone off not wanting to reply. Making me travel to see my sister, who I never met, is horrible for a 10 year old. Well anyone for that matter! "Want to get ice cream before we drop your stuff off at the house?" Taylor asks me.

"What do you mean? Why are we dropping it off?" I say with a mean face on. I didn't care. Taylor doesn't like me and I don't like her.

"Well of course I'll give you a tour of the house but then we are going sightseeing!" Taylor says doing a little happy dance.

"I don't have money and I ain't goin' sightseeing," I said and crossed my arms.

"I'm paying and I'm your guardian now but if you want to take a nap now you can," Taylor said opening the doors. The train station is really big here so it took forever.

"I'll take a nap then," I said rolling my eyes. I don't care if she thinks she's my "guardian" because I will never think that. Taylor smiles at me and opens a door to a car.

"This is my car!" Taylor says proudly and opens the door. I open the passenger door and close it when I'm in.

"My name is Alyssa by the way," I grumble. She probably didn't even know that.

"I know Ali!" Taylor said giggling. I roll me eyes on put the seat buckle on. As Taylor drives away, I look at the window and see that Nashville really is beautiful.

"Woah," I breathed as I see the parks and ponds.

"Pretty?" Taylor asks and laughs. I nod embarrassed that she heard me. "So we haven't met before. What's your favorite color?"

I sigh and say "Red."

"Is it now?" Taylor says and laughs. Darn it! I forgot about her album called "Red." I clucked my tongue once I realized what I said.

"Since I was a baby," I said as I started to feel hot. I bet my cheeks were getting really red. Why was I so embarrassed?

"Mines white...or light blue," Taylor said. I continued to look out the window. "Ask a question," she adds.

"Whatever," I said and started to think. I've never seen my sister before. What do I ask her? "What is one of you favorite movies?" I ask finally.

"Probably the Maze Runner!" Taylor says.

"Maze Runner or the Giver for me," I say and I feel even hotter. Why does everything I say have to do with Taylor? I sigh and I hear Taylor laugh a little but stay completely calm. How does she do that?

I rolled my eyes and continued to look out of the window. Nashville was really pretty. I smiled for the first time since I arrived here. One thing won't be bad and that one thing is looking at Nashville.


I see Alyssa looking out the window in complete awe. I guess she really likes Nashville. For the first time I see her smile and that was at the view. Why does she hate me? She seems so nice and I want to get to know her! I like her already!

"So do you have a crush?" I asked her trying to act like a good big sister.

"Why would I tell you?" Ali asks facing me. That hurt...a lot. She turns back to the window.

"Okay then," I said not sure of what to say to that.

"Why do you hate me?" Ali asks breaking the silence. What? WHAT?!

"What are you talking about? I love you!" I say. I could not believe what I was hearing.

"Stop pretending," Ali says. I feel tears start to form in my eyes. I just wanted to be a good big sister.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask after a while.

"Yes," Ali answers.

"What did I do?" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Never see me," Ali answers.

"What? No you never saw me! I come over and you hide from me!" I say a little louder then I meant to.

"I didn't hide!" Ali said and I could hear she was crying too.

"Ali just stop! I love you okay? We are going to have so much fun! Just try okay?" I say not sure what I was going at. Silence was the reply I got.

"Fine," Ali says gently and smiles at me the first time I've seen her smile at me. I smile back as we pull into the driveway. I know we are going to be great sisters. I just know it!


Hey guys! So this is a new fanfiction! I have been inspired a lot so I have a ton! Just so you know I write on the wattpad app so I never know how long a chapter is.

Hope you enjoy this new fanfic and please comment your thoughts on it! I would love if you voted for this chapter too!

Love you,

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