Chapter 6

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Remember Greek is in Italic and Latin is underlined

Annabeth's POV

Seaweed Brain groaned when he realised that we had fifth year Slytherins and Gryffindors first thing. I was not too happy myself. I meant, out of all the students, did we have to get Potter? Ugh. But no point complaining. I shoveled food into my mouth and dragged Seaweed Brain to the classroom. "What are we going to teach them? It's P.E. right?" I asked. "Maybe we should start by answering some questions and then if we have time do some simple stretches. We can't tire them out too much today," Seaweed Brain suggested, smart for once. I agreed and just then the students started coming in. I noticed they are all wearing proper attire and smiling. But then, they separated. The Gryffindors sat on the right and the Slytherins on the left. They were also all wearing their house colours except for Mione, Drake, and Neville. I pointed this out to Percy and he nodded, whispering his idea to me. I agreed just as the last students arrived. Percy began.

"Alright, guys. So welcome to P.E. My name is Percy and this is Annabeth and we will be your professors." smiled Percy. "Hi, guys, like he said I'm Annabeth. Please don't call us Professor Chase or Professor Jackson. It makes us feel really old!"

"Ok Professor," called Draco. "Shut it, Drake!" I yelled, rolling my eyes. People looked shocked that he was on such good terms with us. His buddies, two really big, mean looking guys, elbowed him but he ignored them. "Ok, and another thing guys, in these classes you will not wear your house colours. No red, gold, silver, or green. If we catch any of you wearing your house colours, you will be given detention. The purpose of this is to create a friendlier atmosphere between the houses. War is coming and if you are divided, you are already defeated," I added. Most people gasped when I said war was coming. Taking no notice of this, Percy continued, "So we will be changing your seating, no complaining. At the end of the year, for your exams, you will have to work together with this partner so you have to put your differences aside." I started to call out names, "Harry and Draco, Hermione and Millicent, Neville and Blaise, Lavender and Pansy..." and so on.

There was a lot of moaning as people switched seats but no one complained. "Ok so now we will be doing a small Q and A session. You can ask questions and we will do our best to answer. We will not answer any personal questions," I said. Many hands immediately fly into the air. "Harry." "What makes you qualified to teach us?" he asked, a smirk on his face. Percy's easy-going face instantly hardened, his eyes were full of pain. "What makes us qualified to teach?" he said in a deathly low voice. "I'll tell you what makes us qualified to teach. How many wars have you led? How many friends have you watched die? How many people have betrayed you? How many times have you risen from the floor when there is nothing left to rise for? How many times have you walked through Hell? "

He had been advancing towards Harry with each question and now bent down over him, glaring furiously. Harry shrunk away. "I have done all of those things and more. Don't question my qualifications again," he growled and stalked back. The class looked stunned. "Any more questions?" I asked. "What will we be doing in this class?" asked Parvathi. "We will be trying to get your fitness level up by doing various exercises so that you will be able to escape danger should it be too great to face alone," I answered. When no one asked any more questions, Percy told them to put their wands away. Everyone groaned, but no one argued after his display earlier. Then I asked them to move the tables to the side. Everyone's jaws dropped. "Professor I mean, Annabeth, these things weigh a ton! We can't move them!" exclaimed a Gryffindor girl. Lavender, I think. I raised one eyebrow. Striding to the front desks, I picked up two easily and casually jogged to the back before setting them down. I just smirked at the wide eyes and winked at Mione. "Get moving!" shouted Percy. I saw Mione, Drake, and Neville gracefully move their desks to the side and come over to us. "Are you ok Perce?" asked Drake in concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about everyone we lost and he asks what we have done! It just seemed so outrageous but he hasn't seen war yet so I can't blame him," replied Seaweed Brain. We all smiled sadly.

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