Chapter 4

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Harry POV

This was very suspicious. Out of the blue, two new professors arrived and suddenly Hermione stopped talking to us, spending all her time with them. How were they so close if they had just met at a summer camp? They called each other nicknames like Annie and Mione. She didn't allow us to call her that!  Also, did Snape go to that camp? I couldn't imagine him sitting around a campfire. If they had just learnt of the existence of magic, how were they qualified to teach us? And why were they married at seventeen? What did they see that gave them PTSD? Why did they flinch at the word 'hell'? How could they have seen a better building than Gringotts? 

I had so many questions but no answers. They also gave out an aura of power that made me want to bow down to them. I was curious about how they learnt ancient Greek. It's a dead language. And how did Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin, and Hermione know how to speak it as well?

In the end, Ron and I decided to use my invisibility cloak to try and find out what they were hiding.  But when we arrived outside their room, we heard nothing, and the door was locked. We crept silently back to our room. Ron looked dejected. "Hey cheer up mate! We can find out more when we go to Hogwarts." 

"I know, but I miss Hermione."

"We can go see her now if you want," I said, knowing he had a crush on her. 

So we headed to her room, but it was empty! We went to the kitchen and Ron asked, "Mom, have you seen Hermione?" 

"Yes dear, she went up with the professors and Professor Chase asked me to tell everyone not to disturb them," replied Mrs Weasley. We exchanged shocked glances before thanking Mrs Weasley and going to our room. "What do you think they're doing? We couldn't hear anything. Do you think something is happening to her?" asked Ron in a panicked tone. "Calm down Ron. We can go in and check if you want." 

We padded along to their room and used 'alhomora' to unlock the door. As soon as the door unlocked, Professor Jackson sat up, holding a pen. "Who's there?" he asked in a murderous tone. Then his eyes landed on us. "Oh, it's just you. What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice back to normal. "We just wanted to see where Hermione was," said Ron meekly. "Oh Mione's here," he said, gesturing to the figure beside him. Professor Chase's arm was wrapped around her. "And next time, don't sneak into the room. It will not end well for you," he said in a threatening voice. We nodded hurriedly and backed out of the room, sprinting to our before we say anything. 

"How come she sleeps with them?" Ron burst out angrily.

"I don't know Ron but Professor Jackson is bloody scary. I mean he changes from easy going to murderous in a second!"

"And why was he holding a pen? Is he going to write on us?"

I shook my head. "I really don't know. Maybe we can ask them about it in the morning." I yawned which set Ron off as well and we settled down in bed and nodded off into a sleep full of unanswered questions.

I woke up near sunrise and heard Hermione's door open and shut but I was too tired to investigate and shut my eyes again. When I woke up properly, it was  eight-thirty. I woke Ron and we hurried down to breakfast where everyone was enjoying the food. I bit into a croissant. "Mrs Weasley, this is delicious! How did you make it differently?" I asked in wonder. She smiled. "Thank you, dear, but I didn't make this. Hermione and Professors Chase and Jackson made this. I got up a bit late today but when I came down breakfast was already done!" she exclaimed glancing at them in gratitude.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. How did they manage to get up so early? Just then professor Jackson reached over to get some jam and his sleeve is pulled up a bit. I stifled my gasp. He had the dark mark!  He noticed me looking and smiled. I just looked down at my food. Did Hermione know he has the dark mark? And his wife! I was sure she wouldn't want him if she knew he was a death eater. Maybe I could expose him somehow. 

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