Chapter 5

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Shoutout to percabethsokeefe4eva for voting and commenting and everyone else who voted!

Percy POV

Wise Girl and Mione had just fallen asleep and I had closed my eyes when I heard someone in my room! Instantly Riptide was in my hand and I sprang up ready to attack and asked, "Who's there?" Then I realised that it was only Harry and Ron and lowered Riptide. Relieved, I said, "Oh it's just you. What are you doing here?" "We were just wondering where Hermione was," answered Ron meekly. "Oh, Mione's here, I said, gesturing to her. Then I came to terms with the fact that they snuck into our room! I threatened them in a low voice, "And next time don't sneak into the room. It will not end well." They looked terrified and I didn't even use my wolf glare! I managed to stifle my laughs until they left and then cracked up. This woke up my Wise Girl and I told her what happened. She looked angry. "How can they come into our room in the middle of the night? I know they don't trust us, but still! Gods, I don't know how I'm going to survive if the students are as curious as them!"

"Wise Girl, it'll be fine! We have each other! And the other demigods too," I said reassuringly. She nodded and leaned against my chest. I stroked her arms until she fell asleep. At some point, I fell asleep as well. I was rudely awakened by a loud squeal. "Mione, please! It's too early," I groaned. "Sorry! You two are just too cute!" Then Annie woke up too. "Guys, what's going on? It's so early," she said groggily. "I know! We were sleeping peacefully until someone squealed so loudly my eardrums cracked," I gave Mione a glare. She just rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry! You guys are cute! Anyway, we shouldn't waste time. We can go for a run again!" she exclaimed. We groaned but agreed and she went to change. I transported us to the park again and this time we ran 15 kilometers and Mione only started panting after 5! "Great job sis! You've really improved!" said my Wise Girl, her eyes shining with pride. Mione blushed.

"All right you two, let's go home and we can practice on some dummies," I suggested and teleported us back. Then Wise Girl created some dummies by snapping her fingers. She and Mione practiced their throwing skills while I slashed and stabbed the dummies, combining both Greek and Roman techniques. This was a unique way of fighting and would give me an edge over monsters since they weren't used to demigods fighting this way. When I reduced the last dummy to straw, I found Mione and Annie watching me with wide eyes. I immediately felt self-conscious. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked. Wise Girl rolled her eyes. "No Seaweed Brain! We were just watching you fight!" "How did you do that? That wasn't anything I recognised and you managed to take down 25 dummies in a minute!" exclaimed Mione. I explained my technique and promised to teach her and the others. Then we realised that it was time for breakfast. I again drenched and dried them before we headed downstairs, breakfast to be ready, but the kitchen was empty.

"We can make breakfast! Maybe Mrs Weasley is sleeping in. She deserves it, though. She works really hard," said Mione. We nodded our agreement and set to work. I lit the stove and summoned pancake mix while Wise Girl made croissants and Mione set the table. When we were done, Annie got out the jam and butter and we sat down to enjoy our breakfast. Just then Molly came down the stairs, wringing her hands and muttering to herself. When she looked up, she gave a start and stared at us. "Dears, did you make this by yourselves?" We nodded, still munching. "Why thank you so much! I was just panicking about it! Do you know, that in all my years, not one person has done this before?" I felt sorry for her. It must have been so hard, being a mother of seven children, one who was refusing to talk to you, worrying about Order stuff, as well as providing food for everyone! So I quickly said, "Oh it was no trouble, Molly! You deserve a rest anyway." She beamed at me and sat down. Soon more people arrived and they all complimented the cooking. Harry and Ron arrived last and sat down. "Mrs Weasley, this is delicious! How did you make it differently?" Harry asks She smiled. "Thank you, dear, but I didn't make this. Hermione and Professors Chase and Jackson made this. I got up a bit late today but when I came down breakfast was already done!" she exclaimed.

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